[PCA] Study on botanists and horticulturists with disabilities

Abby Meyer abby.meyer at bgci.org
Tue Sep 5 13:57:06 CDT 2017

Dear List,

Below is a request from a colleague at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Please follow up with Jorge separately, or I would be happy to forward any feedback as needed.


Abby Meyer
Executive Director
Botanic Gardens Conservation International U.S.
(308) 293-1782


Dear Colleagues:

A colleague of mine and I are completing a paper about deaf botanists/horticulturists. Does your botanical garden / arboretum keep archival materials on specific deaf botanists/horticulturists? I can provide a list of the ones we know, if needed, and will appreciate knowing about other deaf botanists/horticulturists we may not have in our manuscript.

Part of our project involves writing about programs and any other accommodations botanical gardens / arboreta do to foster a more fulfilling experience for people with deafness and other disabilities. Any information you may have on the subject is welcomed.



blayj at si.edu<mailto:blayj at si.edu>

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD



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