[PCA] Unique University-Federal Partnership: Manager Climate Corps: working with local professional networks to build adaptive capacity in the face of change

De Angelis, Patricia patricia_deangelis at fws.gov
Tue Mar 14 11:18:36 CDT 2017

This program was created by the University of Hawaii at Hilo as member of
the Pacific Islands Climate Science Center (PI CSC), which is a partnership
between U.S. Geological Survey and a university consortium that includes UH
Mānoa (the consortium lead) and University of Guam, in addition to UH Hilo.
The MCC was developed to support and connect local natural resource
managers, cultural practitioners, policy implementers, and researchers
within the themes contained in the Pacific Islands CSC overarching
document, the PI CSC Science Agenda.

Their objective is to facilitate long-term relationships and applied
research projects by integrating collaborative research and management
networks, such that managers and scientists coproduce research products
which directly inform policy and meaningfully address the complex
challenges faced by local managers. Currently the MCC is funding five
manager-driven graduate research projects that will assist managers in
adapting to socio-ecological shifts such as climate change, land-use
change, invasive species impacts, and cultural change. Working closely with
the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate
Program (TCBES) at UH Hilo, the MCC conducts workshops to promote
collaborative transdisciplinary networking and is supporting
interdisciplinary coursework at UH Hilo.

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