[PCA] CONFERENCE: Student Scholarships for 2015 Natural Areas Conference

Kwong, Olivia okwong at blm.gov
Wed Jul 8 08:45:37 CDT 2015

Student Scholarships
Scholarships are available for students to attend the 2015 Natural Areas
Conference in Little Rock, AR. They will cover the full amount of the
student’s conference registration, plus lodging. Scholarships will be
awarded by the NAA Student Program Committee on a competitive basis.
Applications are due September 15, 2015, and applicants will be notified by
September 30, 2015.

Who Is Eligible?
Full-time students attending accredited institutions and majoring in an
applicable field such as: natural resource management, biology, ecology,
botany, or related subjects are eligible to apply. You must be a current
NAA student member to be eligible for the scholarship. Not a member? Join
today (https://naturalareas.org/get-involved/become-member), or join when
you register for the conference. The NAA is offering a special low
membership rate of $35 for students who attend the conference – two years
for the price of one! NAA student chapter members are strongly encouraged
to apply.

Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. For more information,
selection criteria and to view the application, visit
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