[PCA] COMMENTS: IUCN Minimum Documentation Requirements Consultation (Due Oct 14)

Kwong, Olivia okwong at blm.gov
Wed Oct 12 11:39:50 CDT 2011

Do not use reply to respond.  Please send your comments directly to Anne (anne_frances at natureserve.org).

Dear PCA Members,

The IUCN has requested feedback on the minimum documentation requirements for Red Listing species. The document MSD_SGRLA describes the background on the issue and the requirements as they stand today are listed in Documentation_Requirements_Consultations. NatureServe will prepare a response in our role as the North American Plant Red List Authority. We very much would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you might have, so that we can incorporate them into our response.

The issue for us directly is that the more requirements there are, the more time consuming and therefore more expensive it is to Red List plants. On the other hand, poorly documented assessments may not stand up to outside scrutiny. Plants are far more numerous than animals in many ecosystems, so the burden of documentation will usually be greater for botanists than zoologists in their Red Listing activities. Assuming that a core feature of any strategy to Red List North American plants will be to base assessments on the existing information in NatureServe's databases, any documentation requirements that are not already part of NatureServe's database structure add to the effort. The question becomes, then, how best to balance documentation needs with expediency.

We are on a short turnaround here, so please send you comments to Anne Frances (anne_frances at natureserve.org<mailto:anne_frances at natureserve.org>) by this Friday (14 October). If you don't have time to write comments, feel free to share them with her by phone (703-908-1804). Any thoughts you have time to share will be very helpful to us.

Many thanks,

Bruce E. Young, Ph.D.
Director, Species Science
Tel. 703-908-1805

From: RODRIGUES Andrew
Subject: Minimum Documentation Requirements Consultation
Importance: High

Dear Specialist Group Members and Red List Authorities and Focal Points,

Following increasing concerns regarding the complexity of Red Listing, please find attached two documents calling for your comments on the present set of minimum documentation standards.  This is an opportunity for you to express difficulties you've been having with the current minimum documentation standards and suggestions for how the Red Listing process can be simplified.

The document "MSD_SGRLA" explains the process that is being adopted for this consultation and the document "Documentation_Requirements_Consultations" details current documentation standards, and it is to this document that comments should be made.

I will keep this e-mail short as more information is contained within the documents.   Given the importance of this subject you are all urged to make your comments on the said documents and to send them back to me.    The deadline is October 14th for comments and you will be receiving reminders.  If you should have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Andrew Rodrigues
SSC Network Support Officer
SSC Programme
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 999 0129; Fax +41 22 999 0002;

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