[PCA] Grasslands Conference: Call for Presentations

Anne Frances Anne_Frances at natureserve.org
Thu Mar 10 18:03:33 CST 2011

For those of you working in grassland ecosystems, this looks like an interesting conference.  Please contact Aviva Glaser at GlaserA at nwf.org<mailto:GlaserA at nwf.org> with questions.

America's Grasslands: Status, Threats, and Opportunities
A conference co-hosted by the National Wildlife Federation and South Dakota State University

Call for Papers and Posters
Conference Date: August 15-17, 2011
Location: Sheraton Sioux Falls Hotel and Convention Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Deadline for Abstracts: April 8, 2011

America's Grasslands: Status, Threats, and Opportunities will bring together researchers, natural resource professionals, agricultural producers, policy experts and conservationists to discuss the status of North America's grassland ecosystems, current threats, opportunities for conservation and the outlook for these ecosystems in a changing climate.  The conference will be immediately followed by a Grasslands Policy Summit on August 17-18, sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation and Ducks Unlimited.

The planning committee is issuing this call for presentations and posters on a range of topics related to grasslands. We are interested in both summary presentations as well as presentations on new and innovative research around the following topics:

1)      Status of North American grassland ecosystems and grassland-dependent wildlife

2)      Climate change and grasslands (topics might include impacts of climate change and adaptation needs)

3)      Threats to North American grasslands (topics might include invasive species and agricultural management  regimes)

4)      Energy development and grasslands (topics might include wind, biomass, oil, and transmission)

5)      Grasslands and greenhouse gas mitigation

6)      Grasslands and grazing (topics might include maintaining grasslands for grazing, grazing management, etc.)

7)      Grasslands in federal policy

8)      Other relevant issues related to grasslands

Conference Structure

Oral presentations will be approximately 15-20 minutes long, followed by five minutes for questions. There will also likely be facilitated discussion time for each topic area consisting of comments, questions, and answers.  Accepted posters will be prominently displayed throughout the conference area and there will be several opportunities during breaks for viewing and interaction with authors.  Those presenters chosen will be required to submit a short paper of approximately two pages to be included in the conference proceedings to be released after the conference.

Submission Guidelines

 *   Title of presentation
 *   Contact person with affiliation and email address
 *   Presenter and affiliation
 *   Other author(s) and affiliation(s)
 *   Selected topic area
 *   Presentation or poster?
 *   Abstract of 350 words or less

Abstracts are due April 8th.  Notification of acceptance will be made by April 29th.  Abstracts from students and from all professional sectors addressing the topic areas are encouraged. All submissions and questions must be sent to Aviva Glaser at GlaserA at nwf.org<mailto:GlaserA at nwf.org>

Aviva Glaser
Agriculture Policy Coordinator, Climate and Energy Program
National Wildlife Federation
901 E St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20004
GlaserA at nwf.org<mailto:GlaserA at nwf.org>

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