[MPWG] Do you want to sell medicinal herbs to Mountain Rose Herbs?
Jeanine Davis
Jeanine_Davis at ncsu.edu
Thu Feb 20 17:17:55 CST 2014
Yes, I could have worded that a little better, couldn't I? The workshop we
did in December with the three buyers was a huge success. Growers and
buyers learned so much. I wasn't able to find another buyer on such short
notice to pair with Brian, so we added other speakers to the program so it
wasn't just a Mountain Rose event. I will try to be more careful in the
future (but if we get more big buyers willing to talk publicly with growers
it wouldn't be a bad thing). Hope you are well. It has been ages since our
paths have crossed! Jeanine
On Feb 20, 2014 12:46 PM, "Jeanine Davis" <Jeanine_Davis at ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Mountain Rose Herbs (*https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/*<https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/>), a much-loved and respected medicinal herb supply company (I have six big
> bags of their herbs sitting in my office right now!) wants to buy medicinal
> herbs grown and sustainably wild-harvested from our Southeast region with
> a particular interest in our native botanicals. Brian Russell, the buyer,
> will be attending the Organic Growers School (*http://or*
> *ganicgrowersschool.org* <http://organicgrowersschool.org> ) on March 8
> and 9 in Asheville, so we have taken the opportunity to put together an
> afternoon workshop on Friday, March 7th so interested growers and
> wild-harvesters can meet Brian, learn what he would like to buy from this
> area, and what you need to do to sell to him. It will give him a chance to
> learn what we have to offer. There will also be presentations by Joe-Ann
> McCoy from the N.C. Arboretum on how to make a voucher, by Sarah Schober on
> what the Bionetwork Natural Products Laboratory has to offer you, and by
> Jennifer Flynn on the Blue Ridge Naturally Brand (something Mountain Rose
> is very interested in). I might say a few words, too.
> Space is limited, so register now on EventBrite at:
> *https://www.eventbrite.com/e/selling-locally-grown-and-wild-harvested-herbs-with-the-buyer-from-mountain-rose-herbs-tickets-10631048753*<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/selling-locally-grown-and-wild-harvested-herbs-with-the-buyer-from-mountain-rose-herbs-tickets-10631048753>.
> The event will be held at the Haynes Conference Center on the AB-Tech Enka
> Campus near Asheville (an address and map will be posted soon).
> Jeanine
> *Jeanine M. Davis, Ph.D.*
> *Associate Professor and Extension Specialist*
> *Dept. of Horticultural Science, NC State University*
> *Email:* *Jeanine_Davis at ncsu.edu*
> *Websites:* *http://ncherb.org* <http://ncherb.org/>
> *http://ncspecialtycrops.org* <http://ncspecialtycrops.org/>
> *http://ncorganic.org* <http://ncorganic.org/>
> *Blog:* *http://ncalternativecropsandorganics.blogspot.com*<http://ncalternativecropsandorganics.blogspot.com/>
> *Twitter:* *http://twitter.com/JeanineNCSU*<http://twitter.com/JeanineNCSU>
> *Facebook:** http://www.facebook.com/people/Jeanine-Davis/1442912228*<http://www.facebook.com/people/Jeanine-Davis/1442912228>
> *Address:* Mtn. Hort. Crops Research & Extension Center
> 455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC 28759
> *Phone:* 828-684-3562 * FAX:* 828-684-8715
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