[MPWG] Stewarding for our Environment
marguerite uhlmann-bower
3moonsisters at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 05:29:36 CST 2009
Good Morning,
Some of us have said this before => this may not be the right site for this
But here in upstate New York (Delaware, Chenango and Otsego Counties) we
know we're all in great need to know what is going on, and so, I'm just
going to throw this out there to you and see what happens.
President Obama is calling Gas a clean energy source.
It is not.
Some of us in upstate New York are well aware of this. Many others are not.
There are* thousands* of land owners lined up and 'in waiting' to give land
rights to gas drilling companies, many of whom are from Texas. These land
owners (some are dear friends and neighbors of mine) can not see beyond the
tip of their nose because we are in desperate economic times - food on the
table; roof over our head; maybe even a little greed.
Yet, they may very well be unhappy and very sick in a short time if they do
allow this type of gas drilling. See attachments.
We are all in this together. This will not only effect us here in upstate
New York.
Contaminated water, air and food will trickle through out our land, possibly
destroying endangered and non endangered plant species as well as onto your
land, your air and into your food as a large majority of East coast foods
comes from the Catskill region. See map in attachment.
This is not just a New York State / Pennsylvania problem.
The NYS DEC is ill equipped to manage overseeing daily activities at current
sites. Why? There's only 20 DEC officials to 15,000 gas drilling sites!
*Disastrous causes to our Natural environment:*
- Over 250 chemicals from each of these gas drilling sites will be
introduced into our air, water ways and food chain and are well known
neuro-endocrine disruptor's for not only people but animals and plant life.
see here:
and here: http://www.endo-society.org/journals/scientificstatements/
- recently, (in the last 2 weeks this Nov. 2009) it was found that the
extraction of these brine fluids contain radioactive material over 200 times
the exposure we should be receiving.
- stream, well, underground aquifers and water ways have already been
contaminated in areas where this type of gas hydrofracking has taken place.
- extensive clear cutting of trees, forests, and plant life will happen for
infrastructure development. This type of industrialization is incompatible
with wild life, rural and agricultural areas.
- open pit ponds will be created to hold the millions of gallons of chemical
brine until it is trucked away. In the mean time,as long as it doesn't
break, it will sit there and evaporate into our air and be 'drink' for our
wild life until its transported away.
- this method of extracting natural gas is just another polluting
hydrocarbon and its transportion to markets also takes huge amounts of
imported oil.
- lastly and this is my take on the Horizontal Drilling process. Which I'll
ask as a question because no one really knows. But ... what happens to that
'space' that is created after drilling is over? That in between space
between rock plates below us?
How long will it be before it could cause an earth quake?
*Gas Drilling Informational Sites*
*Please pass this along to all you know.*
Talk about the dangers of hydrofracking and horizontal gas drilling, for our
environment and for us.
Help get the word out to everyone across America.
We will not have a world to leave to our grandchildren if we allow
contaminents like these to be used. An injury to one is an injury to all.
Feel free to call me with questions or more information.
Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower
Registered Nurse, Herbalist
226 Kelso Rd. / Sanders Lane
East Meredith New York 13757
"Be prepared to take extraordinary risks to defend the biosphere from
corporations, governments and social trends which threaten to make it
Do so for one reason only: for the love of our world." George Monbiot
May our walk be soft and gentle
as we gather our roots once again.
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