[MPWG] Lomakatsi Ecological Sustainability Workshop: Register Now!
Jude Wait
judew at asis.com
Thu Feb 22 18:37:41 CST 2007
>Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 15:17:32 -0800
>Subject: Lomakatsi Ecological Sustainability Workshop: Register Now!
>From: "niki" <niki at lomakatsi.org>
>To: <judew at asis.com>
>Creating A Sustainable Ecological Culture
>Lomakatsi Restoration Project
>White Oak Farm & Education Center
>a 3-day participatory workshop, including practical applications of
> Traditional Ecological Knowledge,
> Restoration Forestry, Ecological Woodlot
> Stewardship, Permaculture, Small Diameter Utilization & Natural Building
>Friday, May 4 through Sunday, May 6, 2007
>White Oak Farm in Williams, Oregon
>Discover the interface among Traditional
>Ecological Knowledge (TEK), restoration forestry
>practices, permaculture principles, byproduct
>utilization and natural building. Leading
>indigenous cultural practitioners, restoration
>ecologists, scientists and permaculture
>designers will share valuable information about
>traditional ecological practices, local ecology
>and current restoration forestry principles.
>Explore Native American ecological techniques
>for cultivating viable plant communities for use
>as food, basketry and weaving materials.
>Stewarding the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion today
>can incorporate lessons from indigenous peoples'
>use of fire, and the role that fire played in
>maintaining wildlife habitat and hunting
>grounds. Practical hands-on experiences in the
>forest, woodlands and fields will help restore
>and enhance forest and woodland resiliency,
>species diversity, and site productivity.
>Together, we will come to see the forest as "our
>pharmacy, supermarket, and hardware store". Join
>us to share ideas and skills that can be applied
>to tending your own land in this fire-adapted ecosystem.
>Topics and Skills shared will include:
>Farming With Fire - Learn how to cultivate
>wildland native plants for food and fiber with
>pruning and prescribed fire techniques-for both
>forest restoration and wildland food production.
>Basketry and Fish Traps from Fire Adapted Plants
>- Learn from indigenous cultural practitioners.
>Traditional Indigenous weavers from the Karuk
>and Hoopa tribes of the mid -Klamath region will
>share a simple hazel fish trap weaving
>technique, and discuss Native use of fire to
>cultivate basketry plant materials.
>Restoring Fire Adapted Forests - Learn how to
>design a forest restoration ecological treatment
>prescription to reduce severe fire hazards,
>enhance forest stand health and diversity, and
>prepare your forest for the reintroduction of
>fire. Prescribed fire techniques will be shared
>as we witness Lomakatsi work crews performing on
>site treatments - before, during and after the work.
>Oak Woodlands and Savannahs- The Forgotten Acorn
>Orchards -Experience and participate in the
>restoration of vanishing oak habitats. Learn
>restoration thinning techniques and how to use
>prescribed fire to invigorate oak woodland
>health and increase plant and wildlife
>diversity. Learn how to process acorns in
>atraditional way as a main food staple for our regional diet.
> From the Forests to Natural Buildings -Learn to
> select small diameter trees in an ecological
> manner during restoration forestry
> prescriptions and treatments. See how small
> diameter wood by-products can be used for your
> natural building projects. Lomakatsi will teach
> ecologically sensitive methods for extracting,
> removing and processing restoration wood
> by-products. Participants will tour the
> forests, perform an exercise in tree selection,
> and tour White Oak Farm's natural buildings to witness how things dovetail.
>Creating a Sustainable Ecological
>Culture-Permaculture and Wildland Forest
>Cultivation -Explore how the practices of
>permaculture, restoration forestry and
>traditional ecological knowledge are interwoven
>into the co-creation of a sustainable ecological land-base and culture.
>Bringing Back the Salmon - Learn about the
>intricate connections between forests and fish
>as restoration biologists from the Williams
>Creek Watershed lead fieldtrips demonstrating
>their efforts to restore habitat for threatened
>salmon and steelhead. Learn from these
>professionals how in-stream watershed
>restoration techniques will help to bring back the salmon.
>Multi-media instruction:
>The forest and woodlands on the 60-acre White
>Oak Farm and surrounding Williams Valley provide
>an ideal outdoor classroom setting. In addition
>to field trips, we will have lectures,
>discussion and power point presentations to round out the weekend.
>Workshop Instructors include:
>§ Agnes Pilgrim , Takelma-Latgawa Elder,
>Confederated Tribe of Siletz, Member of the
>International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
>§ Dennis Martinez , Co-Chair of
>Indigenous Peoples' Restoration Network,
>co-director of Takelma Intertribal Project
>§ Kathy Mc Covey , Karuk Tribal Member, USFS Archaeologist
>§ Bryan Colegrove, Hoopa Tribal Member and Cultural Practitioner
>§ Marko Bey , Lomakatsi Director of
>Operations, Restoration Practitioner & Designer
>§ Justin Cullumbine , Natural Builder,
>Lomakatsi Program Director, Restoration Practitioner & Designer
>§ Tom Ward , Permaculture Systems Designer/ Social Forester
>§ Andy Fischer, ofSacred Earth Ecological
>Design, Permaculture Systems Designer
>§ Don Tipping , Permaculture Systems Designer/ Organic Farmer
>§ Randy Carey , Permaculture Systems Designer/Organic Farmer
>§ Lomakatsi's Ecological Work crew-' On
>the ground' restoration technicians
>§ AND MORE!!!
>Who Should Attend? Landowners, permaculture
>practitioners, forest workers, environmental
>activists, teachers, sustainability enthusiasts,
>public land managers, students, and anyone else
>interested in ecological sustainability,
>responsible land stewardship and survival.
>Registration Information:
>o This action-packed participatory
>workshop, May 4-6, 2007, includes on-site
>camping and organic meals provided by the White Oak Farm.
>o The participation fee is $375 per
>person, if registered by April 1st, 2007. Add $50 for later registration.
>o The latest time to register is April 20
>or when filled. Sign up soon, as space is limited.
>Partial work-trade scholarships are available on
>a limited, sliding scale basis
>To register or for more information contact
>Jenny at Lomakatsi Restoration Project,
>541-488-0208 or
><mailto:jenny at lomakatsi.org>jenny at lomakatsi.org<mailto:jenny at lomakatsi.org> .
>White Oak Farm (WOF) is a small, non-profit farm
>based education center. WOF is dedicated to
>cultivating connections between people and their
>local ecosystems by: Pursuing community food
>security, Fostering agricultural and ecological
>diversity, and Teaching the arts of sustainable
>living. White Oak Farm depends on the efforts of
>dedicated staff, apprentices, and volunteers.
>Lomakatsi Restoration Project is a non-profit
>organization formed in 1995, Our mission is t o
>organize and implement community based
>ecological restoration projects through
>education, vocational training, specialized
>workforce development and the utilization of
>restoration by products, encouraging the
>recovery of ecosystems and the sustainability of
>communities, cultures and economies.
>Hope to see you there!
>Niki Del Pizzo
>Outreach/Education Coordinator
>Lomakatsi Restoration Project
>PO Box 3084
>Ashland, OR 97520
>niki at lomakatsi.org
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