[MPWG] Nursery Faculty Position (Univ. of ID, Moscow, ID)
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Tue Jan 24 07:54:45 CST 2006
Plant Production for Forest, Rangeland and Riparian Restoration and
Departments of Forest Resources and Rangeland Ecology and Management
College of Natural Resources
University of Idaho
The College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, invites
applications for an academic-year, tenure-track faculty position as
Assistant or Associate Professor. The position is approximately 20%
teaching, 30% research, 5% Advising, 5% On-campus Service, 10%
Outreach/Service/Technology Transfer, and 30% Administration, including
providing oversight for all facilities and activities at the Center for
Forest Nursery and Seedling Research (CFNSR) at the Frank Pitkin Forest
Nursery (see http://seedlings.uidaho.com/).
Teaching responsibilities include one undergraduate course in seedling
production and regeneration of diverse plants and environments and one
graduate course/year. Research responsibilities include internal CFNSR
funds for collaborative research with graduate students and other faculty,
development of an externally funded research program, and the
responsibility of publishing in refereed journals. Limited undergraduate
and graduate student advising. Service and outreach responsibilities
include liaison with the Nursery Advisory Committee, distribution of
nursery publications and maintenance of the nursery website, and CFNSR
representation at regional, national and international meetings.
Administration responsibilities require coordination of research and
production operations of the nursery; and management of nursery budgets
and staff including the establishment and maintenance of a business plan.
Required: Ph.D. in plant ecology, forestry or range science, plant
physiology, plant breeding/genetics, plant propagation, or related fields.
Proficient communication skills - both written and verbal - with a wide
variety of constituents. Demonstrated leadership, organization and
collaborative skills with stakeholders and advisory groups. Successful
record of external grant funding, and publications in refereed journals.
Demonstrated ability in technology transfer.
Desired: Experience in plant production, seedling quality and
outplanting; forest or range ecology and management. Supervisory, business
and nursery-operation experience. Teaching and student mentoring/advising
experience. Experience with Tribal, Native Corporation, or other
indigenous resource and land managers. Knowledge of patenting and
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and rank.
Interested persons should submit a letter of application, statement of
teaching philosophy, research interests and outreach activities, and
contact information for three references on-line at:
http://www.hr.uidaho.edu/. Please submit via mail your curriculum vitae,
and college transcripts, to:
Dr. Ronald L. Mahoney, Chair, Search Committee
Plant Production for Restoration and Management Search Committee
Department of Forest Resources
College of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 441140
Moscow, ID 83844-1140
E-mail: fores at uidaho.edu
Phone 208-885-9770
Fax: 208-885-6226
Review of applications will begin February 1, 2006 and will continue until
a successful candidate has been identified, with a prospective start date
of August 2006.
Additional information is available at the College Website
(http://www.cnrhome.uidaho.edu) with links to the UI Nursery
(http://seedlings.uidaho.com/), Outreach and Extension
(http://www.cnr.uidaho.edu/extforest/), and other sites.
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