[MPWG] Natural Areas Conference
Cafesombra at aol.com
Cafesombra at aol.com
Thu Feb 23 16:09:50 CST 2006
For anyone interested in attending the upcoming NAA conference,
please see information below. Note, Call for Papers is open.
Stewards of the Old and New West
September 20-23, 2006
Flagstaff, Arizona
The Natural Areas Association and the National Park Service will
co-host the 33rd Annual Natural Areas Conference which will be held
on the mountain campus of Northern Arizona University (www.nau.edu)
in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona (http://www.flagstaffarizona.org).
The program will include keynote speakers, symposia, contributed
papers, and posters covering a broad range of natural area and
biodiversity preservation issues. Pre, post and mid conference field
trips will expose participants to the beauty, traditions, and
conservation issues of the spectacular Colorado Plateau.
The conference will address the possible conflicts between the Old
West traditions of Native Americans and ranchers and the New West
views of new full-and part-time residents. Can traditional use and
ranching activities be sustained while preserving natural areas and
native biodiversity in the face of population growth and development?
Keynote speakers:
Thomas Sisk, Professor of Ecology at Northern Arizona University and
authority on conservation biology issues facing the American West Ed
Marston, Publisher Emeritus of High Country News, the American West's
foremost newspaper on natural resources, public lands, and changing
communities Charles Wilkinson, Distinguished Professor of Law at the
University of Colorado and author of several books on history and
society in the American West
Expected Symposia:
New Genetic Tools for Conservation Biology, organized by Paul Keim,
Northern Arizona University
Ecological Monitoring and Assessment, organized by Lisa Thomas and
Chris Lauver, National Park Service
Corporate Contributions to Natural Areas Protection, organized by
Steve Carothers, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Invasive Species Management in Parks and Reserves, organized by Linda
Drees, National Park Service
Climate Change and Natural Areas Management, organized by Kenneth
Cole, U.S. Geological Survey Natural Areas on Federal Lands,
organized by Steve Shelly, U.S. Forest Service Cultural Landscapes,
Traditional Use and Biodiversity Conservation, organized by Gary
Paul Nabhan, Northern Arizona University and A. Trinkle Jones,
National Park Service
Examples of Possible Contributed Paper Sessions:
- Cultural Resources - Ecological Monitoring
- Ecological Restoration - Education and Outreach
- Fire Ecology - Geology
- Invasive Species - Land Ethics
- Natural Areas Planning and Management - Wildlife
- Riparian Ecology and Preservation - Traditional Use of Natural Areas
Special Events:
- Conference opening reception
- National Park Service Director's Awards Presentations
- Banquet with silent and live auction and presentation by
photographer, Tom Brownold
- Expected Field Trips:
Pre Conference:
- Canyonlands and Arches National Parks - Navajo and Hopi Country
Post Conference:
- Ecology of the North Rim Region of Grand Canyon National Park
Mid Conference Friday day trips include:
- San Francisco Peaks (Merriam Life Zones) - Hart Prairie
- Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon Ecology - Ponderosa Pine Forest Restoration
- Volcanology of the Colorado Plateau - South Rim of the Grand Canyon
- Fossil Creek/Beaver Creek Restoration - Springs and Riparian Restoration
- Pinyon-Juniper Ecology and Research
- Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments
Registration Information:
Registration materials will be sent to the mailing list and posted on
the web site in May (http://www.cpcesu.anu.edu/NAC 2006). Secure
on-line registration and payment by credit card will be available.
Registration fees will be as follows:
NAA Member NEW Member Student
Before August 4 $220 $250 $125
August 5 - September 1 $260 $290 $150
After September 1 $310 $340 $150
Daily Rate $100 $125 $ 50
Registration covers the opening reception, refreshments at breaks and
poster night, box lunches on most Friday field trips and the banquet.
No other lunches or meals will be provided.
Conference Contacts:
If you wish to support the conference through financial or in-kind
services please contact Conference Chair Ron Hiebert at
ron.hiebert at nau.edu.
If you have suggestions for symposia or other program matters, please
contact Program Chair John Vankat at vankatjl at muohio.edu.
To contribute silent or live auction items, please contact Angie
Evenden at Angela_Evenden at nps.gov.
The best way to keep abreast of conference details is by visiting the
web site. When registering, please provide us with your e-mail
address. The conference web site is:
Call for Papers:
Deadline to submit abstract: May 1, 2006
Format of abstract: to be posted on www.cpcesu.nau.edu/NAC2006 by
late February 2006 (submissions must be electronic)
Appropriate topics: All subjects pertaining to natural areas and
preservation of biodiversity
Presentation formats: oral and poster
Questions: please send to Program Chair John Vankat at vankatjl at muohio.edu
Natural Areas Conference
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 5765
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Stewards of the Old and New West
33rd Annual Natural Areas Conference
September 20-23, 2006
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