[MPWG] Fwd: [Hellbenders] Act Now to Defend the Endangered Species Act
cafesombra at aol.com
cafesombra at aol.com
Wed Sep 21 09:20:16 CDT 2005
RE: Reform of the Endangered Species Act (by a senator who wanted it
repealed entirely)
FYI below attached discussion from Allegheny National Forest Defense
Counci, if the pdf's do not make it through and you would like to see
them, email me and I will forward them to you.,
regards, jennifer chesworth
-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Stamoulis <astamoulis at cleanair.org>
To: Cafesombra at aol.com
Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:46:18 -0400
Subject: RE: [Hellbenders] Act Now to Defend the Endangered Species Act
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for writing. The action alert that went out over the
Hellbenders list yesterday is a bit outdated; I submitted it last week,
before Rep. Pombo's bill was formally introduced, but the moderator did
not approve it until yesterday.
The draft legislation that Rep. Pombo's office circulated this summer
did call for repeal of the Act. This week's version of his bill does
not. (Both versions are attached as PDF files.)
Here are the three biggest problems I see w/ the current version of
the "reform" legislation (there are other problematic elements to the
legislation as well):
1) The bill repeals the existing critical habitat provisions of the
law, which are the key to federal government obligations to recover
? The ESA currently requires federal agencies to ensure that none of
their actions will result in the destruction or adverse modification of
"critical habitat" - the specific areas both inside and outside the
geographical area occupied by the species at the time it is listed that
are essential to its conservation and recovery. Critical habitat
designations do not apply to private property, unless a landowner is
seeking federal funding or their action requires a federal permit (such
as filling a wetland). (Section 5)
? Special corporate interests - logging and paper, mining, and energy
companies - are those who stand to benefit the most from this language,
since they seek greater unfettered access to public lands, including
national forests and grasslands.
2) The bill weakens the ESA by undermining the federal government's
duty to recover species.
? The law currently requires federal agencies to ensure that their
actions will not jeopardize the recovery of protected species. Pombo's
bill weakens this standard by making agreements to implement recovery
discretionary. (Section 10)
? The Pombo bill also narrows the scope of impacts that agencies must
take into consideration when deciding if their own actions will harm
species. (Section 12)
3) The bill eliminates the current requirement to issue regulations to
provide for the conservation and recovery of threatened species, and
instead makes such regulations completely discretionary. Without a
requirement to protect and recover threatened species, there's a very
good chance that this bill will actually serve to move more species
along the path to endangerment. (Section 8)
I hope that you will be able to make a call to your elected officials,
and will encourage others to do the same. It's my understanding that
the bill is scheduled for mark-up tomorrow (where there may be
additional changes); it's likely that it will come to the floor shortly
Many thanks,
Arthur Stamoulis
Director of Government Affairs
135 S. 19th St, Ste 300
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 567-4004, x107 phone
(215) 567-5791 fax
astamoulis at cleanair.org
-----Original Message-----
From: Cafesombra at aol.com [mailto:Cafesombra at aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 5:28 PM
To: astamoulis at cleanair.org;
hellbenders-alleghenydefense.org at lists.alleghenydefense.org
Subject: Re: [Hellbenders] Act Now to Defend the Endangered Species Act
Would you please point out exactly where in the draft legistlation it
calls for repeal of the ESA in 2015? I have read the draft and do not
see this anywhere, nor do I see it in Pombo's background or summary
information on his homepage.
The only way to really understand the revisions is to compare the
legaleasy jargon of US Code Title 16 1533 et al. with the legaleasy
jargon of Pombo's revisions, a tedious task to say the least. HOWEVER,
in spite of the tedium or maybe because of it, I see no call to repeal
ESA entirely.
Where exactly do you see that?
What I see that makes me nervous are statements like, for example,
page 22 lines 19 through 22 "...identification of the least costly
alternatives are not required to be based on the best scientic data
and page 24 "...the Secretary may determine that a recovery team is
not necessary or advisable " and may wave processes for appointing a
team "... including procedures to solicit public comment on such
and there's more, of course, though I'm still wading through it.
So, which page, and which line(s) call for repeal?
thanks in advance for pointing that out,
Jennifer Chesworth
In a message dated 9/20/2005 4:39:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,
astamoulis at cleanair.org writes:
Congress is gearing up for its first real fight about the Endangered
Species Act in a decade. House Resources Committee Chair Richard Pombo
is expected to mark up his "reform" bill on September 22nd, and it
should come to the floor for a vote shortly thereafter. The draft
legislation we've seen would dramatically weaken, and eventually
repeal, the Endangered Species Act.
The first draft on Rep. Pombo's legislation:
* Makes it much harder to add new species to the endangered species
* Significantly weakens protections for threatened species
* Removes many important habitat protection provisions
* Repeals the Endangered Species Act entirely in 2015
Even if the final legislation voted upon is not this horrendously bad,
it deserves our opposition. The Endangered Species Act is critical
legislation that protects over 1,250 rare plants and animals across the
country; it seeks not just to keep them from extinction, but to aid in
their ultimate recovery. Please write or call your Member of Congress
today and ask them to oppose Rep. Pombo's bill that would weaken the
Endangered Species Act.
Please call your Member of Congress today and say: "Please oppose Rep.
Pombo's bill that would weaken the Endangered Species Act."
Rep. Castle: (202) 225-4165 or (302) 428-1902
Rep. Brady: (202) 225-4731 or (215) 389-4627
Rep. Fattah: (202) 225-4001 or (215) 387-6404
Rep. English: (202) 225-5406 or (814) 456-2038
Rep. Hart: (202) 225-2565 or (412) 492-0161
Rep. Peterson: (202) 225-5121 or (814) 238-1776
Rep. Gerlach: (202) 225-4315 or (610) 594-1415
Rep. Weldon: (202) 225-2011 or (610) 259-0700
Rep. Fitzpatrick: (202) 225-4276 or (215) 752-7711
Rep. Shuster: (202) 225-2431 or (814) 696-6318
Rep. Sherwood: (202) 225-3731 or (570) 585-8190
Rep. Kanjorski: (202) 225-6511 or (570) 825-2200
Rep. Murtha: (202) 225-2065 or (814) 535-2642
Rep. Schwartz: (202) 225-6111 or (215) 335-3355
Rep. Doyle: (202) 225-2135 or (412) 241-6055
Rep. Dent: (202) 225-6411 or (610) 861-9734
Rep. Pitts: (202) 225-2411 or (717) 393-0667
Rep. Holden: (202) 225-5546 or (717) 234-5904
Rep. Murphy: (202) 225-2301 or (412) 344-5583
Rep. Platts: (202) 225-5836 or (717) 600-1919
You can look up your Representative at: www.house.gov
Congress is now back in session, so this is the perfect time to call
and voice your support for the Endangered Species Act. We would also
like to hear feedback from your member or their office as we are
closely tracking efforts to make sure enough voices are heard. In
addition to calling, if you are interested in requesting a meeting with
your member, writing a letter, or writing a letter to the editor,
please email me. I can help you with your efforts.
Many thanks,
Arthur Stamoulis
Arthur Stamoulis
Director of Government Affairs
135 S. 19th St, Ste 300
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 567-4004, x107 phone
(215) 567-5791 fax
astamoulis at cleanair.org
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