[MPWG] Please help this young researcher

Trish Flaster Tflastersprint at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 16 11:46:29 CST 2005


Herbal Science is a very broad term.  As a Professor at Bastyr in the 
Botanical Science program I can answer specific questions.  The program 
there is focused for practitioners and QA.  There are broader programs 
in Ethnobotany that include,  medical anthropological aspects, 
ethnoecological studies as well as medical botany.  These are classes 
and graduate programas at Universities.  They are listed on the Society 
for Economic Botany website.  www.econbot.org.  I also strongly urge 
you to attend their meetings as there is a large student membership who 
are very active and have scheduled times to socialize during the 
meeting and visit on issues as where to attend, grants and other 
relevant topics.


Trish Flaster, Executive Director
Botanical Liaisons, LLC
1180 Crestmoor Drive
Boulder, CO 80303
303-494-1555, 303-494-2555 FAX

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