[MPWG] Fw: New Pub: NTFPs on National Forests

Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Wed Dec 14 08:24:23 CST 2005

New publication available (free):

GTR-655 05-208 (2005) Nontimber forest products management on national
forests in the United States, by Rebecca J. McLain and Eric T. Jones.
Portland, OR:  Pacific USDA FS PNW Research Station.

Abstract: This study provides an overview of nontimber forest products
(NTFP) programs on national forests in the United States. We conducted an
email survey in 2003 to obtain data on NTFP management activities on
national forests across the country. Program characteristics examined in
the study included important NTFPs managed on national forests, presence of
NTFP coordinators and law enforcement programs on ranger districts,
incorporation of NTFPs into forest planning documents, presence of NTFP
inventory and monitoring programs, managers’ views on barriers to and
opportunities for including NTFP harvesters in NTFP inventory and
monitoring efforts, and managers’ perceptions of barriers to expanding
commercial NTFP harvesting. The data indicate that the agency is
constructing a foundation for scientific NTFP management. The study
identifies lack of funding and internal administrative capacity as key
barriers to adequate incorporation of NTFPs in Forest Service planning,
inventory, and monitoring.

Hardcopies are available at:
Publications Distribution
Pacific Northwest Research Station
PO Box 3890
Portland, OR 97208-3890

Digital copies are available at:

This research was conducted by the Institute for Culture and Ecology  and
partially funded by the U.S. Forest Service and the National Commission on
Science for Sustainable Forestry.  Publication is by the U.S. Forest
Service PNW Research Station.

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