[MPWG] Conservation focus of MPWG

Danna J. Leaman djl at green-world.org
Fri Jan 30 08:24:19 CST 2004

I agree with the views of Steven Foster and Mark Blumenthal concerning the focus of this listserve.  It is reasonable to expect that the focus of discussion on a list serving the Medicinal Plant Working Group of the Plant Conservation Alliance will be ... conservation, sustainable use, resource management and issues relevant to these concerns.  

The modern vs traditional medicine debate and the health/use topics are also important, but are more welcome and relevant to the focus of a list such as Phytomedica (To join that network, I believe you can send a blank e-mail to: phytomedica-subscribe at yahoogroups.com).

Danna Leaman, Chair, IUCN/SSC Medicinal Plant Specialist Group (http://mpsg.org)
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