[MPWG] The Sting and the Power.
Ivor Hughes
Herbworks1 at xtra.co.nz
Wed Jan 21 13:34:16 CST 2004
There will always be a conflict of interest between the Shaman and the
Scientist. They have different world views.
There will always be a conflict of interest between the rulers and the
ruled. They inhabit different universes.
There will always be a conflict of interest between education and
legislation because that is the measure of medieval real politk.
Coercion (we know best) by legislation and the subsequent instruments of
oppression which are rolled out every time.
The people have maintained the fertility of the planet for untold
millenia. Yet they are the ones that are scapegoated for the current
state of affairs. They are the ones that must bear the burden of all of
the big business self interest legislation which is passed. They are the
ones that must bear the burden of scientific decisions, eg the big
vitamin rip off .
What its all about is money .... well in the not too distant future it
will all be academic. The childrens play game of musical chairs is
about to be played out a higher level .... this one is called
disappearing biomes, as all the plants change places, and some fall off
the edge, dragging sizable chunks of the human population with it. Think
of the cyclone damage wrought on Nuie.
The Amazon rain forest is falling at the rate of many acres an hour
.... it is a prime global climate trigger. Perhaps every man woman and
child needs to get out into their own locality and plant a tree.
Education not legislation.
The real reason for the pressure on individual medicinal plants is a
collapsing synthetic medicine market. Informed medical consumers are
exercising their right to health freedom. This is reflected in the
science and big business legislation which is passed by that unsavory
alliance. This is the power of sting ....
As it has been pointed out in this forum .... sting money could be
better spent elsewhere.
I am reminded of a classic piece of research by a man called Stanley
Milgram ... the pop science book was called 'Obedience to Authority
..... most alarming .... otherwise sane and rational people willing to
torture their fellow citizens at the behest of a man in a white coat ...
Perhaps there is something seriously skewed in the heads of the
legislation wallahs ? So what about some Conservation and Cooperation
... http://www.herbdatanz.com/sia1_conservation_and_cooperation.htm
During Great Britains darkest days in World War 2, Winston Churchill,
spoke to the American People .... " Give us the tools and we will do the
job ! " Nothing has changed .... the people are waiting for sensible
and coordinated policies. Unlock the power of the people .... as the
IChing says .... the people are like ground water, always ready to draw
upon in times of crisis.
Willing cooperation in common cause ... not self interest legislation
for the benefit of a few.
Ivor Hughes
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