[MPWG] RE: At Risk controversy

Robyn Klein robyn at rrreading.com
Tue Jan 6 12:27:07 CST 2004

Hi Robyn,
Please forward my comments to the MPWG list:

Greetings conservationist friends,

Regarding Robyn's comments on the "At-Risk" and "To Watch" list, please be 
aware, that although we could argue into the night about the criteria for 
these listings, the reason for UpS's efforts, in these early years of 
awakening awareness, was to open the minds of herbalists and associated 
professionals and consumers to the issue of medicinal plant conservation. 
This was accomplished in good form and has taken a positive course. Now, 
given the true need for a more reductionist view of listing medicinal 
plants of conservation priority, Kelly Kindsher, in association with able 
graduate students, is well into the process of developing a point-system 
matrix for evaluating medicinals against every conceivable factor. So far, 
43 criteria have been identified, divided into the categories of: Plant 
Life History Traits, Habitat Characteristics, Human Use Characteristics, 
and Other Attributes Relating to Vulnerability.

I personally am capable of reductionist thought, but like to temper it with 
expansionist thought, which is my current leaning. At this point, it seems 
appropriate to direct our attentions toward real work, and let our sleeping 
"To Watch" list rest in peace.

Best regards,

Richard A (Richo) Cech
PO Box 69 (mailing)
3350 Cedar Flat Road (UPS)
Williams, OR 97544 USA
Phone (541) 846-6704
Fax (541) 846-6233
herbseed at horizonherbs.com

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