[MPWG] One Indian doctor;s way of treating psoriosis

r vidhyasagar dr_vidhyasagar_54 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 4 09:33:57 CST 2004

Dear sir,

It is nature of psoriasis patient  to search new medicine or new 

More efficient doctor. But long experienced physicians like me

Know the nature of the disease and the most effective medicine.


I have cured many patients but they are Indians. What specialty

With Indians is first they accept vegetarian dieting secondly they

Better understand traditional Indian medications. and ready to

Reject modern steroidal treatments.


The modern doctor never cures psoriasis or rheumatic disease

He makes a mess of it .generally patients condition becomes 

Bad to worst. First the patient had one problem that is the 

Disease. after taking modern medicine  the problem is 

Two  .One disease second the drugs bad effect.


It is a general nature of modern physicians that they don’t

Prescribe such medicines to their family members but 

They prescribe it to their patients.


One 20-year girl with 4years rheumatic disease came to me 

She asked her doctor when he will cure her? He coolly said

The disease only could be controlled and cannot be cured.

Shocked by the reply she came to me and she is okay

With in three months treatment.


Rheumatic specialist, skin specialist are all mostly bogus 

Titles and has no meaning at all.

I like to grant them one more title, which they can add behind

Their name if they like .The degree is B.S

What it means is Billing Specialist.


The psoriasis patient cannot put conditions to prescribe herbal

Medicine .it is doctor’s choice. Metallic preparations of gold.

Copper etc produce results, sulphur, and trace amounts of mercury

Salts also produce results. Some herbs are also at use.


Whether to suffer by the disease or to risk native medicine

Is the patient to decide?


Thanking you all


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