[APWG] Plant list from MNPS Fall Conference, Swann Park trip along the Mattawoman tributary 9/25/2011

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Wed Oct 12 06:03:19 CDT 2011

Here is the Plant list from the MNPS Fall Conference, Swann Park trip along
the Mattawoman tributary to Chapman Forest 9/25/2011.

Marc Imlay, PhD,

Conservation biologist, Park Ranger Office

 <blocked::tel:(301) 442-5657> (301) 442-5657 cell

 <mailto:Marc.Imlay at pgparks.com> Marc.Imlay at pgparks.com
<blocked::mailto:ialm at erols.com> ialm at erols.com

Natural and Historical Resources Division

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

 <http://www.pgparks.com> www.pgparks.com



From: Ken Bawer [mailto:kbawer at msn.com] 
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 9:00 PM
To: Marc Imlay
Subject: RE: Swann Park/Chapman Forest plant list.

As we walked though Swann Park, Marc described the extensive work done to
remove non-native invasive (NNI) plants. These efforts obviously paid off,
as we saw only minuscule numbers of remaining NNIs. At the same time, we
were able to identify a long list of native plants. After leaving Swawn Park
along the Mattawoman tributary, we entered land owned by a local homeowner's
association within which no effort has been made to control NNIs.
Immediately, we observed that the NNIs (mainly Microstegium vivminium) had
overwhelmed the native plants on the ground on both sides of the trail.
Other than tall trees, it became almost impossible to identify anything more
than a handful of native plants. If anyone needs to be convinced of the
benefits of controlling NNIs, this hike would certainly convert any


From: Ken Bawer [mailto:kbawer at msn.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 10:34 PM
To: Marc Imlay
Subject: Swann Park/Chapman Forest plant list.

Marc, attached is the list.  
Plant list from MNPS Fall Conference, Swann Park and Chapman Forest, trip
led by Marc Imlay, 9/25/2011	
	Compiled by Ken Bawer	 		
X = identified on this trip	 		
?= possibly identified this trip	 		
Grey = non-native invasive	 			
?	 Fern, Sensitive	 Onoclea sensibilis	 	
?	 Grass: Wood reedgrass	 Cinna sp.	 	
?	 Princess/Empress tree	 Paulownia tomentosa seedling	 	
?	 Strawberry Bush	 Euonymus americanus	 	
X	 American Beech	 Fagus grandifolia	 	
X	 American Holly	 Ilex opaca	 	
X	 Asiatic Dayflower	  	 	
X	 Assassin bug	 		
X	 Aster, Small White	 Aster vimineus	 Aster recemosis (spelling?)

X	 Basswood	 Tilia americana	 	
X	 Beefsteak plant	 Perilla frutescens	 	
X	 Birch, River	 Betula nigra	 	
X	 Bittersweet Nightshade	 Solanum dulcamara	 	
X	 Box turtle	 		
X	 Bugleweed, Virginia	 Lycopus virginicus	 	
X	 Cardinal flower	 Lobelia cardinalis	 	
X	 Cedar, Eastern Red	 Juniperus virginica	 	
X	 Cherry, Black	 Prunus serotina	 	
X	 Cherry, Sweet	 Prunus avium	 	
X	 Cinqfoil sp.	 		
X	 Clearweed	 Pilea pumila	 	
X	 Dogwood, Flowering	 Cornus florida	 	
X	 Elephant's Foot	 Elephantopus nudatus	 	
X	 Fern, Christmas	 		
X	 Fern, Ebony Spleenwort	 		
X	 Fern, Grape	 Botrychium sp.	 	
X	 Fern, Netted Chain	 Woodwardia areolata	 	
X	 Fern, New York	 		
X	 Gill-over-the-ground, Ground ivy	 Glechoma hederacea

X	 Goldenrod, Tall	 Solidago altissima	 	
X	 Grape, Frost	 Vitis vulpina	 	
X	 Grass (Deer-tonge?)	 Panicum sp.	 	
X	 Grass, White	 Leersia virginica	 	
X	 Hackberry	 Celtis laevigata	 	
X	 Halberd-leaved Tearthumb	 Polygonum arifolium	 	
X	 Jack-in-the-pulpit	 Arisaema atrorubens	 	
X	 Leatherleaf mahonia	 Mahonia bealii	 	
X	 Lespedeza sp.	 		
X	 Licorice, Wild	 Galium circaezans	 	
X	 Lizzard's Tail	 Saururus cernuus	 	
X	 Long-bristled smartweed	 Polygonum caespitosum	 	
X	 Maple, Red	 Acer rubrum	 	
X	 Mimosa seedlings	  	 	
X	 Mountain Laurel	 Kalmia latifolia	 	
X	 Muscle tree, Am. hornbeam	 Carpinus caroliniana	 	
X	 Mushroom: red	 Amanita sp.	 	
X	 Nettle, False	 		
X	 Oak, Southern Red	 Quercus falcata	 	
X	 Oak, White	 Quercus alba	 	
X	 Oak, Willow	  	 	
X	 Onion	  	 	
X	 Partridge berry	 Mitchella repens	 	
X	 Persimmon	 Diospyros virginiana	 	
X	 Pine, Virginia	 Pinus virginiana	 	
X	 Poison ivy	 Rhus radicans	 	
X	 Privet, Chinese seedling	   	 	
X	 Redbud	 Cercis canadensis	 	
X	 Rue Anemone	 Anemonella+C54 thalictroides	 Thalictrum
X	 Sassafras	 Sassafras albidum	 	
X	 Smartweed, Water	 Polygonum punctatum	 	
X	 Spicebush	 Lindera benzoin	 	
X	 St. Andrew's Cross	 Ascyrum hypericoides	 	
X	 Sweet Gum	 Liquidamber styraciflua	 	
X	 Sycamore	 Platanus occidentalis	 	
X	 Tick Trefoil	 Desmodium sp.	 	
X	 Tuliptree	 Liriodendron tulipifera	 	
X	 Virgin's Bowers	 Clematis sp.	 	
X	 Wineberry	 Rubus phoenicolasius	 	
X	 Wingstem	 Actinomeris alternifolia	 	
X	 Wintergreen, Striped	 Chimaphila maculata	 	

Maryland Native Plant Society

2011 Annual Conference




A Delightsome Land

Natural Communities of Southern Maryland



September 24-25, 2011


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Regionally-rare Water-willow Shrublands along Potomac River shoreline at
Chapman Forest.  Photo: R.H. Simmons.




College of Southern Maryland

La Plata, MD



Co-sponsored by 

The College of Southern Maryland Biology Department



Maryland Native Plant Society 

P.  O.  Box 4877

Silver Spring, MD 20914

 <http://www.mdflora.org/> www.mdflora.org 


Field Trips                                           

Participants head into the field to explore a variety of ecosystems for both
plant-focused and general natural history explorations of Southern Maryland.

Additional field trips will be planned.  The website
<http://www.mdflora.org/> www.mdflora.org will be updated as field trips are


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