[APWG] Fw: County Recruits Geocachers in Battle Against Invasive Weeds

Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov
Fri Jun 18 10:48:05 CDT 2010


Here's a clever idea to engage the public in invasive plant monitoring.
It's a super educational vehicle too.


IPM and Invasive Species Coordinator
NPS National Capital Region
Center for Urban Ecology
4598 MacArthur Blvd. NW
Washington DC 20007
202-342-1443, ex 218

What's a weed? A plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered. Ralph Waldo
What's an invasive weed? A plant whose vices outweigh its virtues. - JS

----- Forwarded by Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS on 06/18/2010 11:44 AM -----
             "Cleary, Ruark"                                               
             <Ruark.Cleary at MyF                                             
             WC.com>                                                    To 
                                       "Alex Glazer (NAA)"                 
             06/18/2010 11:21          <glazer at berkeley.edu>, "Brian Bowen 
             AM                        (NAA-EPPC)"                         
                                       <brian.bowen at state.tn.us>, "Deb     
                                       Kraus (NAA)"                        
                                       <mail at naturalarea.org>, "Karen      
                                       Smith (NAA)"                        
                                       <kayorkaren at sbcglobal.net>, Lisa    
                                       Smith <wildflower at ligonierweb.com>, 
                                       "Lisa Thomas (NAA)"                 
                                       <Lisa_Thomas at nps.gov>, "Nate Fuller 
                                       (NAA)" <fuller at swmlc.org>, "Pene    
                                       Speaks (NAA1)"                      
                                       <pene.speaks at dnr.wa.gov>, "Pene     
                                       Speaks (NAA2)"                      
                                       <jpspeaks at comcast.net>, "Pete       
                                       Colverson (NAA)"                    
                                       <pcolverson at pandionsystems.com>,    
                                       "Randy Heidorn (NAA)"               
                                       <randy.heidorn at illinois.gov>,       
                                       "Renee Boronka (NAA)"               
                                       <rboronka at cmnh.org>, "Renee Kivikko 
                                       (NAA-LTA)" <rkivikko at lta.org>,      
                                       "Cleary, Ruark"                     
                                       <Ruark.Cleary at MyFWC.com>, "Steve    
                                       Shelly (USFS-NAA)"                  
                                       <sshelly at fs.fed.us>, "Tim Nigh      
                                       (NAA)" <Timothy.Nigh at mdc.mo.gov>    
                                       Barry Meyers-Rice                   
                                       <bamrice at ucdavis.edu>, "Bill        
                                       Shepherd (NAA)"                     
                                       <stoneax63 at hotmail.com>, "Bob       
                                       McCance (NAA)"                      
                                       <mccance4306 at earthlink.net>,        
                                       "Charlie Nilon (NAA)"               
                                       <NilonC at missouri.edu>, "Dave        
                                       Borneman (NAA)"                     
                                       <dborneman at ci.ann-arbor.mi.us>,     
                                       "Eric Menges (Archbold)"            
                                       <emenges at archbold-station.org>,     
                                       Erik Hauge <eteam98 at msn.com>, "Erik 
                                       Johnson (USFS)"                     
                                       <ejohnson at fs.fed.us>, "Fran Harty   
                                       (NAA)" <fharty at TNC.ORG>, "Gary      
                                       Knight (FNAI)" <gknight at fnai.org>,  
                                       "Henry Eilers (NAA)"                
                                       <heilers at consolidated.net>, "Jack   
                                       Stout (UCF)"                        
                                       <jstout at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu>, "Jil   
                                       Swearingen (NAA-NPS Alien)"         
                                       <Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov>, Joan      
                                       Seevers <jseevers at jeffnet.org>,     
                                       "Joan Seevers (NAA-BLM)"            
                                       <Joan_Seevers at blm.gov>, "Jody Shimp 
                                       (NAA)" <JODY.SHIMP at illinois.gov>,   
                                       "John Bacone (INDNR)"               
                                       <jbacone at dnr.in.gov>, "John Randall 
                                       <jarandall at ucdavis.edu>, "Karen     
                                       Brown (WildlandWeeds)"              
                                       <kpbrown at ufl.edu>, "Kevin Fitch     
                                       (NAA)" <Kevin.Fitch at arnold.af.mil>, 
                                       "Kim Herman (NAA)"                  
                                       <hermank at michigan.gov>, "Kim Herman 
                                       (NAA2)" <wind_n_pines at yahoo.com>,   
                                       "Laurel Ross(2)"                    
                                       <laurelmross at hotmail.com>, Linda    
                                       Conway Duever                       
                                       <conwayconsrv at conway.com>, "Marcia  
                                       Wolfe (NAA)" <yakimapark at aol.com>,  
                                       Mark Garland <magarland at gmail.com>, 
                                       "Mike Scott (NAA)"                  
                                       <mscott at uidaho.edu>, "Nancy Wogen   
                                       (BLM)" <Nancy_Sawtelle at blm.gov>,    
                                       "Randy Nyboer (NAA)"                
                                       <rnyboer at inhs.uiuc.edu>, "Reed Noss 
                                       (UCF)" <rnoss at mail.ucf.edu>, "Rick  
                                       Thom (MO)" <rick.thom at mdc.mo.gov>,  
                                       "Roger Clark (Lee Co. Parks & Rec)" 
                                       <roger at leegov.com>, "Woody Bousquet 
                                       (NAA)" <Wbousque at su.edu>, Woody     
                                       Bousquet2 <wbousquet at comcast.net>   
                                       County Recruits Geocachers in       
                                       Battle Against Invasive Weeds       


County Recruits Geocachers in Battle Against Invasive Weeds

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Jun 15, 2010, By Russell Nichols, Staff Writer
Geocachers in Ada County, Idaho, have a new mission, should they choose to
accept it: tracking down hidden containers that hold data on noxious weeds.
This is part of an ongoing operation set up by the county's Weed, Pest and
Mosquito Abatement Department to pinpoint expanding noxious weeds before
they wreak havoc on the environment. In years past, the department used
informational brochures and fliers to educate the public on harmful weeds.
Now they're taking the high-tech, hide-and-seek approach known as
geocaching to spread the word.
"There are a lot of people in the county who do this," said Jake Mundt, the
department's administrative operations manager. "We put in a more formal
mechanism to allow geocachers, if they find the same weed in another area,
to report where it is. This helps us develop our action plans to help us
control or eradicate noxious weeds in the region."
Geocaching is a global phenomenon in which recreationists use GPS receivers
and other navigational tools to locate any of the million-plus containers,
called caches, hidden in rural and urban areas around the globe. For the
past 10 years, devotees have declared that geocaching forces you to go to
places you've never gone before.
Seeking to attract visitors and inspire residents to go exploring, more
state and local governments have been looking to "cache" in. Georgia
reportedly launched a high-tech treasure hunt in May, hiding caches at
state parks for seekers to find. In Palm Coast, Fla., the GIS division
planted containers in parks, trails and natural reserves with "a treat"
inside each cache.
"We've taken the time to plant 10 geocaches in locations we feel are the
hidden gems of Palm Coast," according to the city's website. "Just plug the
coordinates into your GPS receiver and start hunting."
In Ada County, local officials took a different path. Bounded by two rivers
and the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the county already lures
recreationists out of their homes to explore the great outdoors: hikers,
mountain bikers and, of course, the geocachers, according to Laura Wylde,
the Weed, Pest and Mosquito Abatement Department's public outreach
But of the 64 plant species the state lists as noxious weeds, 32 of them
can be found in Ada County, local officials said. These weeds threaten
public health, crops, livestock and land. To help keep them from spreading,
the county hid four caches throughout the county, stocked with information
about weed infestations and weed control efforts. Officials plan to hide
more in the future.
Armed with handheld GPS receivers and maps, geocachers can track these
containers, learn about the weeds, and log and submit the coordinates of
any other infestations they come across. It makes sense to recruit
geocachers. For them, going new places and discovering new things comes
with the territory.
"It's the challenge of going new places you may never have gone," said
Clint Hutchison, webmaster for Idaho Geocachers, which has more than 1,000
members. "There's a lot of things to see that people don't realize are
Ed Lenhart of Boise has lived in Idaho for 35 years, but since he started
geocaching nine years ago, he said he's seen more of the state and country
than ever before. Retired from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Lenhart was
the one who pitched the geocaching idea to the county's Weed, Pest and
Mosquito Abatement Department.
He said he goes on geocaching expeditions four times a week and he even
bought a few nature books for research, but wanted a way to report his
findings. He believes this program will help local geocachers get active in
the fight against noxious weeds.
"It'll be a lot more eyes out there looking for this stuff once we educate
geocachers on what to look for," Lenhart said. "I just want to see more
counties and states get involved, and maybe even a federal agency. If
geocachers can help, I think we can spot a lot of weeds."
For more information on the geocaching project, visit the Weed, Pest and
Mosquito Abatement Department.
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