[APWG] Fw: [CalWMA] Grant Opportunity: invasive species/climate change/land use change

Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov
Mon Apr 2 10:43:22 CDT 2007

Please see message below for more information.
Thank you,

----- Forwarded by Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS on 04/02/2007 11:42 AM -----
                      Bruce Badzik                                                                                                    
                                               To:       Carol DiSalvo/WASO/NPS at NPS, Gerald McCrea/SANTAFE/NPS at NPS, Erv               
                      04/02/2007 07:21          Gasser/Seattle/NPS at NPS, Kathy Jope/Seattle/NPS at NPS, Pat Owen/DENA/NPS at NPS, Stephen J  
                      AM PDT                    Anderson/HALE/NPS at NPS, Craig Hauke/CANY/NPS at NPS, Chris Furqueron/Atlanta/NPS at NPS,     
                                                Steve Cinnamon/Omaha/NPS at NPS, Denise Klein/Omaha/NPS at NPS, Wayne                       
                                                Millington/PHILADELPHIA/NPS at NPS, Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS at NPS, Rita                     
                                                Beard/FTCOLLINS/NPS at NPS, Linda Drees/FTCOLLINS/NPS at NPS, Daphne Hatch/GOGA/NPS at NPS,    
                                                Darren Fong/GOGA/NPS at NPS, Bill Merkle/GOGA/NPS at NPS, Sue Fritzke/GOGA/NPS at NPS, Linda   
                                                Lyon/NWRS/R9/FWS/DOI at FWS, Jack E Barbash/WRD/USGS/DOI at USGS, Tiffany                   
                                                Parson/ARL/R9/FWS/DOI at FWS                                                             
                                               Subject:  Fw: [CalWMA] Grant Opportunity: invasive species/climate change/land use     

Subject: Grant Opportunity: invasive species/climate change/land use change


I would like to bring your attention to a new grant opportunity called

"Ecological Impacts from the Interactions of Climate Change, Land Use

Change and Invasive Species: A Joint Research Solicitation - EPA, USDA"

This is a collaboration between the Environmental Protection Agency's

(EPA) Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Program and the U.S. Department of

Agriculture's (USDA) National Research Initiative (NRI) Competitive Grants

Program.  The purpose of this joint solicitation is to quantitatively

investigate how climate change, climate variability, and land use change:

(1) influence the establishment, abundance and distribution of invasive

species; (2) interact with invasive species to create feedbacks that

increase their success; (3) interact with invasive species to cause

threshold responses in natural and managed systems; or (4) affect the

chemical, biological and mechanical management of invasive species. The EPA

is interested in proposals addressing aquatic ecosystems and the USDA in

proposals addressing managed terrestrial systems.

For more information go to

http://es.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2007/2007_star_ecoimpacts.html. It has a

deadline of 26 June.

Amber Pairis Ph.D.

Science and Research Liaison

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

444 North Capitol St. NW, Suite 725

Washington, DC 20001

Phone: (202) 624-7890

Cell: (202) 436-5688

Fax: (202) 624-7891

apairis at fishwildlife.org


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