[APWG] Fw: invasive species photo contest

Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov Jil_Swearingen at nps.gov
Fri Sep 10 10:38:44 CDT 2004


This is a great challenge for a great cause. Now get out and shoot those


----- Forwarded by Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS on 09/10/2004 11:33 AM -----
                      Phytodoer at aol.com                                                                                               
                                               To:       ma-eppc at egroups.com, ficmnew at mail.afpmb.org, nwinvasivespecies at onenw.org     
                      09/10/2004 10:35         cc:       (bcc: Jil Swearingen/NCR/NPS)                                                
                      AM EDT                   Subject:  invasive species photo contest                                               

Dear bug/slug & weed mavens,

IUCN is staging an invasive species photo contest.  See attached.

I hope some of us will think we have a winning photo to illustrate the
impacts we see around us.

Faith T. Campbell

(See attached file: PHOTO COMPETITION.doc)
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