[APWG] Biological field station Strategic Plan Survey

Karolyn Beebe keedo at merr.com
Mon Sep 22 13:36:22 CDT 2003

If you manage a site that serves as field station, then the Organization of Biological Field Stations has an online survey for you below.  -- Karolyn

-----Original Message-----
From: Nagy, Eric [mailto:enagy at virginia.edu]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 12:08 PM
To: obfs at lternet.edu
Subject: [obfs] OBFS Strategic Plan Survey

Dear OBFS Member,

This is the second, and final, call to complete the Strategic Plan survey. We will run the survey through the end of the month.  Please complete it if you have not already.  

And PLEASE remember to forward this email to any individuals or group listserves you think could provide valuable input.  We need your help.

Thanks very much!
Eric Nagy

Dear Biologist,

On behalf of the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) I am requesting a few minutes of your time to complete a short on-line survey.  The survey is the first part of an NSF-funded project to develop a Strategic Plan for OBFS. 

OBFS is a nonprofit professional organization of field stations and marine laboratories distributed throughout North and Central America. OBFS supports the research and education missions of its member stations and promotes all areas of basic and applied field biology.

We are asking a broad range of biologists and field station users to participate in the survey. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Unless you identify yourself in the survey, all submissions are completely anonymous. Even if you do identify yourself, contributions will be separated from your name.

CLICK HERE to complete survey, or browse to:  http://mlbs.org/OBFSPlanSurvey/OBFSPlanSurvey.htm

We need as much input as possible.  The survey is a short, 9-question, pull-down menu style web form.  Any amount of input is useful.

We would also appreciate your help in distributing the survey.  Please forward this email to any groups or individuals you feel could contribute to the OBFS planning process.  This letter and a link to the survey can also be found at http://mlbs.org/OBFSPlanSurvey/OBFSPlan.htm

Deadline for survey submission is Tuesday September 30, but please take a few minutes to complete it at your earliest convenience.

The product of this effort, the OBFS Strategic Plan, will be complete by spring of 2004 and will be posted at obfs.org. Thank you very much for your time and contribution to this project. 

Best wishes,

Eric S. Nagy, Ph.D.
President OBFS
enagy at virginia.edu

Eric S. Nagy, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Mountain Lake Biological Station
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
University of Virginia, 238 Gilmer Hall, P.O. Box 400327
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4327 USA
tel: 434-982-5486 or 540-626-5227 (summer)
fax: 434-982-5626 or 540-626-5229 (summer)
cell: 434-906-3122   web: www.mlbs.org

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