[RWG] PCA General Meeting Summary - January 8, 2020
De Angelis, Patricia
patricia_deangelis at fws.gov
Thu Mar 5 17:12:56 CST 2020
Pardon cross postings.
PCA General Meeting Summary - January 8, 2020 (2-4pm EST)
The meeting was hosted at the Department of Interior (Washington, D.C.).
The meeting was chaired by the PCA Federal Committee Chair, Peggy Olwell/Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Introductions were made. We welcomed a large number of online participants for this meeting. We apologize to those who were unable to hear or view the webinar.
Featured speaker: Dr. Kirk W. Davies, Lead Rangeland Scientist at the USDA Agricultural Research Service Unit at the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center in Burns, OR., presented "Collaboration and precision restoration to improve native plant restoration in arid ecosystems."The presentation and contact information are available on the PCA meetings webpage<http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/meetings>.
Updates on PCA Activities
General PCA Updates:
* PCA 2020 Speakers: We have confirmed our invited speakers for the 2020 PCA general meetings for the entire year. See details<https://www.plantconservationalliance.org/meetings> and check back for location/call-in information, as meetings draw near. Many thanks to the organizing team, including Anne Frances/NatureServe, Gary Krupnick/Smithsonian Institution; Ray Mims/US Botanic Garden; Krissa Skogen/Chicago Botanic Garden; and Michelle Turton/US Fish and Wildlife Service. And special thanks to organizing team members who have or soon will move on to other adventures: Megan Haidet/formerly USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture and Leah Prescott/Chicago Botanic Garden. (see attached speaker schedule)
* Society for Ecological Restoration’s SER2019 was held in South Africa on 22-27 September 2019 and included three presentations by PCA representatives (see below), now online<https://www.ser-rrc.org/resource-database/?posted=1&publication_date&resourcetype=856&keyword&title&author>.
■ Tom Kaye/Institute for Applied Ecology and PCA Nonfederal Cooperator, presented: Restoring habitat and hope: The Sagebrush in Prisons Project
■ Kay Havens/Chicago Botanic Garden and Chair of the PCA Nonfederal Committee, with Leah Prescott and Peggy Olwell presented: Seeds & Stewards of the Future: A U.S. Collaboration
* National Academies of Sciences Project: An Assessment of Native Seed Needs and Capacities: The third public meeting will be held in January 2020 (in Irvine, CA) and will include public sessions with presentations from tribal nurseries, state departments of transportation and the economics of native plants for restoration. See details<https://www8.nationalacademies.org/pa/projectview.aspx?key=51174> and check back for the recordings of the open sessions. *This assessment will provide vital insight to Goal 1 of PCA National Seed Strategy<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy>, to identify seed needs and ensure the reliable availability of genetically appropriate seed.
* Share your native plant information! We encourage PCA cooperators to post meetings, webinars, and research on the PCA listserve* as we continue our collaborative mission to protect native plants by ensuring that native plant populations and their communities are maintained, enhanced, and restored. *PCA has several listserves focused on different aspects of native plants – learn more and subscribe <https://pca.sites.usa.gov/get-involved/> here<https://www.blm.gov/site-page/pca-discussion-lists-0>.
PCA Federal Committee Updates:
* MOU between federal agencies: The MOU renewal continues, with three agencies currently renewed (currently posted online<https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/PCA%20MOU%202019.pdf>) pending signatures from other agencies. See more info on the PCA Federal Committee<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/national-seed-strategy/pca>.
PCA Non-Federal Committee Updates:
* PCA Non-Federal Cooperators include state agencies and private organizations interested in native plant conservation in the United States. See the list of PCA Cooperators<https://www.plantconservationalliance.org/cooperators>.
Native Plants Roundtable
Upcoming Native Plant Meetings and Events:
* SEPPCON 2020: The Southeastern Partners in Plant Conservation Conference (2-6 March 2020; Atlanta Botanic Garden; Atlanta, GA). The provisional agenda was just released. See these links for <https://atlantabg.org/conservation-research/outreach-education-and-training/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation/> details<https://atlantabg.org/conservation-research/outreach-education-and-training/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation/> and sign up to <https://atlantabg.org/conservation-research/outreach-education-and-training/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation-conference/sign-up-to-receive-seppcon-2020-email-notifications/> receive updates<https://atlantabg.org/conservation-research/outreach-education-and-training/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation/southeastern-partners-in-plant-conservation-conference/sign-up-to-receive-seppcon-2020-email-notifications/> on the meeting.
* NatureServe’s Biodiversity without Boundaries (April 19-22, 2020; Richmond Marriott; Richmond, Virginia): These conferences are now held every 2 years, with regional conferences hosted in intervening. See <https://www.natureserve.org/connect/events/biodiversity-without-boundaries-2020> details<https://www.natureserve.org/connect/events/biodiversity-without-boundaries-2020>.
* Earth Optimism Summit (April 23-25, 2020; Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center; Washington, D.C.). The Summit will showcase stories of both small- and large-scale actions that frame the conversation and demonstrate that success is possible. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and Earth Optimism Summit events will be held around the world! Our DC-area Summit is hosted by the Smithsonian, and several museums are planning events. See details<https://earthoptimism.si.edu/>.
* Center for Plant Conservation National Meeting (7-9 May 2020; Denver Botanic Garden; Denver, Colorado). Registration opens in February. See <https://saveplants.org/events/> details<https://saveplants.org/events/> and sign up for <http://centerforplantconservation.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5111078c47821caea413b21ca&id=601d443b31> the CPC newsletter<http://centerforplantconservation.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=5111078c47821caea413b21ca&id=601d443b31> to get updates prior to the meeting.
* Smithsonian Botanical Symposium (15 May 2020; National Museum of Natural History; Washington, D.C.): Featuring plant symbiosis<https://naturalhistory.si.edu/research/botany/news-and-highlights>; call for abstracts coming soon.
* National Grazing Lands Coalition (NatGLC) 2020 Ranch Tour (14-17 June 2020; North Platte, Nebraska): The three day bus tour will focus on educating participants on the value of good grazing lands management to the environment, the importance of native habitats in Nebraska, the influence of the Ogallala aquifer on the ecosystem, how we can better manage our natural resources to improve our water and air quality, and the economics of rural areas. Registration is now open, see details<http://www.grazinglands.org>.
* North American Congress for Conservation Biology (28-30 July 2020; Denver, Colorado): This year’s theme: Crossing Boundaries-Innovative Approaches to Conservation. There are two symposia<https://scbnorthamerica.org/index.php/naccb-2020-invited-symposia/> with PCA nexus (collaborative plant conservation and the Seed Strategy).
* 2020 Natural Areas Conference (14-16 October 2020; Reno, Nevada): This year’s theme: Sierras to Sagebrush-Integrating Management and Stewardship Across Landscapes. PCA partners are submitting topics for consideration - details will be shared if presentations are accepted. The CALL FOR PAPERS is open through April 15! Submit abstracts online<https://naturalareas.org/>.
* National Native Seed Conference is slated for early 2021. No details as yet. The 2017 Conference<https://nativeseed.info/> focused on the theme of the National Seed Strategy.
Other plant news:
* Seeds of Success (SOS*): Leah Prescott/Chicago Botanic Garden, National Coordinator, Seeds of Success reported a successful season, with 38 teams making just under 900 collections. *SOS is the Bureau of Land Management’s seed collecting arm that is the first step in developing a reliable, stable crop from wild collected species; see Native Plant Material Development process<https://www.blm.gov/programs/natural-resources/native-plant-communities/native-seed-and-plant-material-development>.
* S.3150 - Native Plant Species Pilot Program Act of 2020: Introduced 01/06/2020 by Senators Collins/R-ME and Cantwell/D-WA. Focuses on National Park Service lands and requires coordination with the Plant Conservation Alliance, National Seed Strategy and the USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Centers. The PCA National Park Service liaison heard of it after it was introduced; it calls for a report and an assessment.
* State of the World’s Plants and Fungi: A report<https://www.kew.org/science/state-of-the-worlds-plants-and-fungi> to be released in late 2020 that will address four themes: 1) new insights into global knowledge on plants and fungi; 2) Unlocking the properties of plants and fungi to meet global challenges; 3) Collections and resources for the exploration of properties; and 4) Biodiversity policy framework. This is part of Kew Botanical Garden’s “State of the World” series produced every year or two that feeds into the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.
* St. Louis Declaration on invasive plant species: This Declaration<https://www.fleppc.org/FNGA/St.Louis.htm> borne out a 2001 meeting at the Missouri Botanical Garden produced a voluntary code of conduct to discourage movement of invasive plant species via horticulture. More information is available from the Global Invasive Species Team<https://www.invasive.org/gist/horticulture.html>.
Next Plant Conservation Alliance Meeting: March 11, Dr. Pete Marra/Georgetown University on the Decline of North American Avifauna and the Role of Native Plants - see PCA meetings page<http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/meetings> for details
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