[RWG] WEBINAR to Launch the International Principles and Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration
Carr, Amanda (Mandie) N
ancarr at blm.gov
Sun Aug 23 10:04:01 CDT 2020
Launch, Introductory Webinar and International Panel Discussion on the
International Principles and Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration
2 September 2020 (3 September for UTC+ time zones)
The International Network for Seed Based Restoration<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=b5e6138b97&e=71f04586e3>, a section of the Society for Ecological Restoration,<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=d2fe599159&e=71f04586e3> is pleased to announce the publication of the first
International Principles and Standards for Native Seeds
in Ecological Restoration as a Special Issue of Restoration Ecology<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=442039ff03&e=71f04586e3>, available through Open Source Access beginning 26 August 2020.
To ensure as many of you, the suppliers, end-users, industry, government and NGO’s have an opportunity to learn and speak first hand with some of the authors of the Native Seed Standards, we welcome you to join our launch webinar. This is your chance to find out what the Standards mean for you and to discuss their application with the authors and other experts.
Date: Wednesday 2 September 2020
Time: 19:00-20:00 Eastern Time (EDT USA)
19.00 Opening Comments (moderator Kingsley Dixon)
19.03 Official Launch of the Standards (Peggy Olwell, Bureau of Land Management)
19.10 Response (Gil Waibel, representing ISTA)
19.20 Introduction to the Native Seed Standards (Simone Pedrini)
19.40 Panel discussion (please use the dialogue box to pose questions are any time)
Panel: Kingsley Dixon (moderator), Simone Pedrini, Peggy Olwell, Nancy Shaw, Olga Kildisheva, Stephanie Frischie, Gil Waibel, Danilo Ignacio Urzedo
20:00 Close
Registration Link:
International Principles and Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration
The International Network for Seed Based Restoration<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=054735c89f&e=71f04586e3>, a section of the Society for Ecological Restoration<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=c3c8e2ba5d&e=71f04586e3> is pleased to announce the publication of the First International Principles and Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration as a Special Issue of Restoration Ecology<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=41f1ebeeaa&e=71f04586e3>, available through Open Source Access beginning 26 August 2020.
The growing demand for native seeds in ecological restoration and rehabilitation has resulted in a $1 billion global industry in the sourcing, supply and sale of native seeds. Until now, there has been little international guidance for ensuring native seeds have the same standards of quality assurance that are regular practice in the crop and horticultural industries.
Using the International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration as a foundation document, we provide for the first time a synthesis of general practices in the native seed supply chain to derive the Principles and Standards for Native Seeds (‘Standards’). These practices and the underpinning science provide the basis for developing quality measures and guidance statements that are adaptable at the local, biome or national scale.
Importantly, these Standards define what is considered native seed in ecological restoration and highlight the differences between native seeds versus seeds of improved genetics. These Standards are not intended to be mandatory, however, the guidance statements provide the foundation upon which regulatory approaches can be developed by constituencies and jurisdictions.
Special Issue of Restoration Ecology
available online with Open Source Access beginning
26 August 2020
The standards document, is supported by seven review and practical articles analyzing the science and practice for each step of the native seed supply chain:
1. Seed planning, sourcing, and procurement
2. Collection and production of native seeds for ecological restoration
3. Ensuring seed quality in ecological restoration: native seed cleaning and testing
4. Seed storage: maintaining seed viability and vigor for restoration use
5. Dormancy and germination: making every seed count in restoration
6. Seed enhancement: getting seeds restoration-ready
7. Seed use in the field: delivering seeds for restoration success
The standards and supporting articles will be published in a special issue of Restoration Ecology with Open Source Access, available from August 26 at the Restoration Ecology journal website
Questions? Contact us at info at ser-insr.org<mailto:info at ser-insr.org>
[Email]<mailto:info at ser-insr.org>
[Reddit forum to post questions, answers and links of interest related to native seeds and restoration.]<https://ser-insr.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5b007cd99b7f861885c7de67e&id=cf802aff82&e=71f04586e3>
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