[RWG] PCA General Meeting Summary - Sept. 11, 2019
Prescott, Leah
lprescott at blm.gov
Thu Sep 19 15:36:00 CDT 2019
PCA General Meeting Summary - September 11, 2019 (2-4pm EST)
This meeting was hosted at the Department of Interior.
Introductions were made (see participants list below).
Featured speakers, Kelly Rourke and Elizzabeth Kaufman of Pollinator
Partnership (P2), presented “Spreading Seeds and WIngs Across North
America.” Their presentation and contact information will soon be available
on our meetings webpage: http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/meetings
Updates on PCA Activities
Federal Committee Update:
Renewal of PCA Federal MOU: As of August 26, the National Park
Service joined the Smithsonian in being the first two signatories on the
2019 renewal. Under the terms of the MOU, the renewal is now in
effect and
will remain so until August 26, 2024 (5 years). The remaining
agencies are
in the process of obtaining Director signatures. The revised MOU will
eventually be posted to the website. For reference, the previous 2014 MOU
can be seen at: https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/PCA%20MOU.pdf
National Assessment of Seed Needs and Capacity: National Academy of
Sciences held the First Public Meeting for The Assessment of Native Seed
Needs and Capacities on Sunday, August 18, 2019 from 3:00 pm -
5:30 pm and
Monday, August 19, 2019 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Eastern Time at the
National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, DC. The committee
heard from invited speakers and allowed time for short public statements
for the committee’s consideration. Speakers including PCA member agencies
BLM, FWS, NIFA, USFS, and NRCS, as well as two members of the seed
industry. The meeting recordings from the first meeting are posted on
www.nas.edu/seedneeds. If you scroll down to events, and click “An
Assessment of Native Seed Needs and Capacities -- Meeting #1”,
there should
be two links for each days recording.
The NAS project, entitled “An Assessment of Native Seed Needs and
Capacities,” will address the first two objectives under the National Seed
Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
Objective 1.1: Assess the Seed Needs of Federal Agencies and the
Capacity of Private and Federal Producers
Objective 1.2: Assess Capacity and Needs of Tribes, States, Private
Sector Seed Producers, Nurseries, and Other Partners
{For more information, visit nas.edu/seedneeds or email SeedNeeds at NAS.edu
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: At our May PCA meeting, it was
suggested that we explore opportunities to highlight the contributions of
the National Seed Strategy as part of U.S. efforts to contribute to the "UN
Decade on Ecosystem Restoration" that will launch in 2020.
Global Landscapes Forum-NY (28 September 2019): The one-day GLF-NY
will shape the forthcoming UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Federal Liaison Patricia De Angelis will attend to convey information on
the PCA efforts to implement the National Seed Strategy and
seeks input on
key messages/materials to convey at the meeting. PCA Chair Peggy Olwell
suggested the Seeds of Success program, Making Progress, and
connections to
the UN-FAO (will provide contact details on Sustainable
Agriculture person
in Paris).
{If you have additional suggestions, please contact Patricia (
patricia_deangelis at fws.gov)
{More info on GLF-NY at: https://www.globallandscapesforum.org/
Society for Ecological Restoration (24-28 September 2019): Participants
in this meeting will also have an opportunity to inform the UN Decade. PCA
Chair, Peggy Olwell (BLM), PCA Non-Federal Chair, Kay Havens, and SOS
Curator, Leah Prescott, will be presenting at the meeting. Peggy Olwell
will also be presenting with Tom Kaye and Stacy Moore (Institute for
Applied Ecology).
Nonfederal Committee Update:
Botany Bill: The Botany Bill (HR1572) was reintroduced in the Senate
by Senator Hirono (D, Hawaii) on August 5th following the hearing on July
18. The bill currently has 50 sponsors in the House and 10 in the Senate.
For more information see botanybill.weebly.com
Subnational PCAs and NPCIs: Anne Frances (Lead Botanist, NatureServe)
will work with Eileen Nakahata (CBG) to compile information on state,
regional and taxon-based plant conservation alliances and native plant
conservation initiatives. In addition to sharing the information across our
collaborative, we might be able to invite them to PCA MOU signing ceremony.
Kristi Allen (PA PCA) is hosting a symposium on Collaborative Plant
Conservation, Oct 9 from 2-3:30pm, during the Natural Areas Association
meeting with representatives from some of the subnational PCAs.
PCA member
agencies that will be in attendance at the NAA meeting include:
BLM: Austen
Hilding (contractor), Eileen Nakahata (contractor), NPS: Terri Hogan;
USFS: 4 people
Native Plants Roundtable (Upcoming native plant events, meetings,
Society for Ecological Restoration, September 24-28, Cape Town, South
Global Landscapes Forum, September 28, New York City, New York
Natural Areas Association, October 8-10, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with
Collaborative Plant Conservation on Oct. 9 from 2-3:30pm.
Smithsonian Earth Optimism Summit, Washington D.C. April 23-25, 2020
Smithsonian Botany Symposium, May 15th, 2020, Washington, D.C. Gary will
send more details when available.
North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Denver, Colorado, July
26-31, 2020 -- Call for Proposals due October 30, 2019. Gary Krupnick,
Peggy Olwell, Becky Hufft (Denver Botanic Garden) working to get a PCA
“Diversity and structure of sagebrush steppe species collected by SOS” 2:00
p.m. MT, September 24.
Emily Schumacher, a MS student at the University of Northern Colorado to
present on the genetics of Artemisia tridentata and Chrysothamnus
viscidiflorus populations collected by the SOS program. From both the
perspectives of conserving biodiversity and planting the right seed in the
right place. Look for the webinar details over the listserve soon from
Stephanie Greene.
Social Media Reminder: (Leah Prescott) We are building our social media
presence. Please send any Seed Strategy related success stories you would
like highlighted on our National Seed Strategy Twitter page
(@NatSeedStrategy) to Eileen Nakahata (enakahata at blm.gov) or Leah (
lprescott at blm.gov)
Funding Opportunity: (Dave Walker) USDA NRCS program funding available, RFE
proposals due December 3rd - will be posted to the PCA listserve.
National Botany Directory: (Anne Frances): Inquired about national botany
directory for federal agencies. PCA Federal Liaisons can often connect
folks with botanists in the field. Center for Plant Conservation used to
produce a directory but no longer in print form and is now limited to CPC
institutions and network partners. It was noted that a contacts directory
might be something that PCA should take up.
Update from recent CITES meeting: (Patricia De Angelis): The More than 150
countries belonging to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) just met to discuss species
protections and other regulatory issues. Among the items discussed:
Several new timber species were added to the CITES Appendices, among
them all species in the genus Cedrela were included in CITES Appendix II
which allows commercial trade but requires permits demonstrating that the
trade is both sustainable and legal. This species is a U.S.-native Cedrela
odorata, thanks to the botanically bountiful Puerto Rico. Proposals
50-57 pertained to flora: https://cites.org/eng/cop/18/prop/index.php
Medicinal plants were also on the agenda as the Parties agreed to take a
more holistic look at how medicinal plants are handled under CITES with
regard to their sustainable use and relation to livelihoods. Parties also
agreed to look at the impact of trade on frankincense (species in the genus
Boswellia) to ensure that international trade does not threaten the
survival of these species in the wild. Documents 55 and 66 pertain to
medicinal plants: https://cites.org/eng/cop/18/doc/index.php
Closing Remarks
2020 Speaker suggestions: Send ideas for speakers to focus on native
plant topics to Patricia_DeAngelis at fws.gov
Upcoming PCA Meetings:
November 13, 2019: Gerry Moore, Botanist, USDA-NRCS, National Plant Data
Team - Hosted at NatureServe’s new headquarters at 2550 S Clark St Suite
930, Arlington, VA 22202
January 8, 2020: Kirk Davies, Rangeland Scientist, USDA-ARS, Range and
Meadow Forage Management Research - Hosted remotely
Kristi Allen
PA PCA / Pennsylvania Plant Conservation Network
c-krallen at pa.gov
Steve Blackwell
Desert Botanical Garden
sblackwell at dbg.org
William Carromero
US Forest Service
william.carromeromarcano at usda.gov
Jillian Cohen
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Science Applications
jillian_cohen at fws.gov
Patricia De Angelis
patricia_deangelis at fws.gov
Anne Frances
Nature Serve
Anne_Frances at natureserve.org
Kay Havens
Chicago Botanic Gardens (CBG)
KHAVENS at chicagobotanic.org
Austin Hilding
ahilding at blm.gov
Virginia Houston
Vhouston at amseed.org
Elizzabeth Kaufman
Pollinator Partnership (P2)
ek at pollinator.org
Gary Krupnick
Smithsonian Institution, Botany Department
krupnick at si.edu
Lori Makarick
National Park Service, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science
lori_makarick at nps.gov
Eileen Nakahata
enakahata at blm.gov
Peggy Olwell
BLM (PCA Chair)
polwell at blm.gov
Judy Perkins
jlperkins at blm.gov
Greg Podniesinski
PA Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources
Dierdre Remley
Department of Transportation (FHWA)
deirdre.remley at dot.gov
Kelly Rourke
kr at pollinator.org
Megan Scanlin
Scanlin_Megan at bah.com
Krissa Skogen
kskogen at chiacgobotanic.org
Dave Walker
FWS, Farm Bill Coordinator
dave_walker at fws.gov
Leah Prescott
lprescott at blm.gov
Leah Prescott
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator (Contractor)
Seeds of Success
National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
Plant Conservation Alliance <http://www.plantconservationalliance.org/>
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