[RWG] PCA Meeting: 11 Jan. 2017

Lindsey Riibe riibe.lindsey at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 18:21:59 CST 2017

Attached is a PDF of Beth Ginter’s presentation from Wednesday’s PCA
meeting. Thank you to everyone who participated for your patience as we
worked through various technical difficulties. Below are a few upcoming
events and announcements from meeting attendees.

- Earth Optimism Summit on Earth Day, April 2017: EarthOptimism.si.edu
The purpose of this summit is to give people hope. The conference will be
at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC with public events taking
at Smithsonian museums on the National Mall, the National Zoo, the
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland, and the
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. There will also be
satellite events and viewing parties (see website for more info)

- The 2017 Botanical Symposium (Smithsonian) theme is plant discovery and
plant exploration

- At the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, there is a new exhibit space
open for putting up educational materials about plants.  Focus will be
seeds.  There will be a panel about the National Seed Strategy.

- Greg Miller is the new president of NatureServe. They will have an open
house/meet-and-greet on Feb. 16 at 5:30 PM (after the Native Seed
Conference) in Ballston, VA

- The annual NatureServe conference, Biodiversity without Boundaries 2017,
will be April 9 -13 in Ottawa, Canada

- The Future of American Ginseng and Appalachian Forest Botanicals
Symposium is July 12-14 in Morgantown, WV.

- Evelyn Williams is the new PCA non-federal committee coordinator at
Chicago Botanic Garden! You can contact her at:
info at plantconservationalliance.org

- There are several state-level Plant Conservation Alliances (the Georgia
Plant Conservation Alliance has been operating for over 20 years
http://www.gpca.uga.edu/, and now Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and other
states have formed PCAs) as well as regional alliances (Center for
Southeastern Conservation), forming important networks at local levels and
promoting cooperative actions for plant conservation. There is also the
Native Plant Conservation Campaign, a network of plant societies and other
native plant conservation organizations throughout the United States

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:30 AM, Lindsey Riibe <riibe.lindsey at gmail.com>

> The first Plant Conservation Alliance Meeting of 2017 is next week: Wed,
> January 11th from 2:00 - 4:00 pm Eastern Time.
> There will be a presentation by Beth Ginter, Coordinator of the Chesapeake
> Bay Landscape Professional Program (http://cblpro.org/) followed by a
> roundtable for attendees to share relevant events, and updates from the PCA
> working groups and committees.
> Please find attached the AGENDA for this meeting.
> To join the meeting as a WEBINAR use the following link, enter
> corresponding information into the required fields and use the conference
> phone line for audio. *Be sure to enter the meeting number and passcode
> for this conference. There may be previously stored information in your
> computer that automatically populates the fields and can direct you to an
> alternate meeting.*
> URL: http://www.mymeetings.com/nc/join.php?sigKey=mymeetings&i=
> 743158581&p=PCA2016&t=c
> Meeting Number:   743158581 Meeting Passcode:   PCA2016
> Call-in Number:   1-877-987-2933 <(877)%20987-2933> Call-in Passcode:
> 95085
> For those in the Washington, DC area, the meeting will be held at the
> Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Room 5071. If you would like
> to attend this meeting in person, please RSVP to lriibe at blm.gov by Jan.
> 9, 2017 so your name can be added to the list for security.
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Lindsey Riibe <riibe.lindsey at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The next Plant Conservation Alliance Meeting (and first of the new year!)
>> will be Wednesday January 11th, 2017 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm ET.
>> Our guest speaker will be Beth Ginter, Lead Coordinator for the
>> Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) steering committee. She will
>> talk with us about the CBLP Certification Program - a new, voluntary
>> credential system for professionals who design, install, and maintain
>> sustainable landscapes. The program emphasizes many watershed wide
>> conservation practices with a focus on native plants.
>> Find out more about the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional
>> certification program here: http://cblpro.org/
>> Please share with anyone that may be interested in attending this
>> meeting. As always, the PCA bi-monthly meetings are free and available
>> remotely as a live webinar.
>> For those in the Washington, DC area, the meeting will be held at the
>> Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW. If you would like to attend
>> this meeting in person, please RSVP to lriibe at blm.gov by Jan. 9, 2017 so
>> your name can be added to the list for security.
>> An agenda and details on accessing the webinar to come.
>> The Plant Conservation Alliance Bi-Monthly Meeting is an open forum for
>> anyone interested or working in plant conservation. The meeting is held
>> every other month in the Washington DC metropolitan area. There is a
>> roundtable for attendees to share relevant events, as well as updates from
>> the PCA working groups and committees. Regular attendees include
>> representatives from the PCA Federal agencies and from Cooperating
>> organizations; however anyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
>> Happy Holidays!
>> --
>> Lindsey Riibe
>> Plant Conservation Program Assistant
>> Bureau of Land Management
>> Plant Conservation Alliance
>> <http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/fish__wildlife_and/plants/pca.htm>
> --
> Lindsey Riibe
> Plant Conservation Program Assistant
> Bureau of Land Management
> Plant Conservation Alliance
> <http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/fish__wildlife_and/plants/pca.htm>

Lindsey Riibe
Plant Conservation Program Assistant
Bureau of Land Management
Plant Conservation Alliance
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