[RWG] WEB: National Academies Press Books with PDF Versions Free
Olivia Kwong
plant at plantconservation.org
Mon Jun 6 07:15:25 CDT 2011
------ Forwarded Message ------
As of June 2, 2011, all PDF versions of books published by the National
Academies Press (NAP) will be downloadable free of charge to anyone. This
includes our current catalog of more than 4,000 books plus future reports
published by NAP.*
Free access to our online content supports the mission of NAP--publisher
for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering,
Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council--to improve
government decision making and public policy, increase public education
and understanding, and promote the acquisition and dissemination of
knowledge in matters involving science, engineering, technology, and
health. In 1994, we began offering free content online. Before today's
announcement, all PDFs were free to download in developing countries, and
65 percent of them were available for free to any user.
Like no other organization, the National Academies can enlist the nation's
foremost scientists, engineers, health professionals, and other experts to
address the scientific and technical aspects of society's most pressing
problems through the authoritative and independent reports published by
NAP. We invite you to sign up for MyNAP --a new way for us to deliver free
downloads of this content to loyal subscribers like you, to offer you
customized communications, and to reward you with exclusive offers and
discounts on our printed books.
Sign up now. It's quick, easy, and free.
Barbara Kline Pope
Executive Director for Communications and The National Academies
*There are a small number of reports that never had PDF files and,
therefore, are not available for download. In addition, part of the
"Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals" series is not available in
PDF. Future titles in this series will also not have PDFs associated with
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