[RWG] WEB: Wetland Plant List Revision posted in the Federal Register - soliciting your inputs! (fwd)
Mindy Block
mblock at qualityparks.org
Tue Jan 11 08:02:37 CST 2011
Can you give more of a clue to explain how certain species would make the wetlands larger.
Thanks, Mindy
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Olivia Kwong wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> The National Wetland Plant List revision that federal agency staff (Natural Resources Conservation Service, Corps of Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency, and US Fish and Wildlife Service) have been updating has just been released in the Federal Register for a 60 day review and comment period. This is the list that designates wetland status of plants that are used to determine wetland delineations.
> The direct link to the Federal Register notice is: http://origin.www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-01-06/pdf/2011-3.pdf
> The Federal Register notice provides direction on accessing the Wetland Plant List and on submitting comments. To enter the site the first time, users will have to accept the Department of Defense web certificate. If folks have any computer issues, there is a "Contact Us" email link on the homepage where users can get assistance.
> This is your chance to provide input on whether you agree with the wetland status indicated for these species and to submit changes and additions to the list.
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