[RWG] PCA: PCA's Public Outreach Working Group List
Olivia Kwong
plant at plantconservation.org
Thu Sep 14 11:23:46 CDT 2006
We're starting up a list for PCA's Public Outreach Working Group which is
co-chaired by Flo Oxley of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and
Bonnie Harper-Lore of the Federal Highway Administration. Anyone
interested in working with the group is invited to subscribe using the
directions below.
PCA Public Outreach Working Group (POWG) E-mail List Instructions
This list is used to discuss POWG projects and promote discussion on
public outreach for native plants & native plant conservation. You must
be subscribed to the list in order to "post" or send a message out to all
the subscribers. Anyone is allowed to subscribe to the group, so if you
know of someone who is interested, feel free to tell them about the list.
Please note that this list (powg) is different than the main Plant
Conservation Alliance list (native-plants), the Alien Plant Working Group
list (apwg), the Medicinal Plant Working Group list (mpwg), and the
Restoration Working Group list (rwg).
The following are a few basic instructions on how to use the list.
How to subscribe to the list:
Send an e-mail to powg-request at lists.plantconservation.org with the
following information in the body of the message (not the title):
How to post a message to the list:
Compose the title and body of your message like usual and send it to
powg at lists.plantconservation.org (the list address). The message will be
viewed by a moderator and then automatically be sent out to all
subscribers. Please remember to limit the subject matter of your post to
things that pertain to public outreach. Attached files of large size
should not normally be posted.
More information about the RWG
mailing list