[RWG] WEB: Seminar on "Reveg. & Rest. of an Oil Contaminated Wetland in N. NJ"
Olivia Kwong
plant at plantconservation.org
Fri Jan 6 09:50:36 CST 2006
This seminar will be done using a conference call & web slideshow.
Please see http://www.clu-in.org/conf/tio/ecorestoration3/ for more
information and registration.
Revegetation and Restoration of an Oil Contaminated Wetland in Northern
New Jersey
Sponsored by: U.S. EPA Land Revitalization Office
January 19, 2006, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, EST (19:00-21:00 GMT)
Removing spilled oil from the environment is difficult, time consuming,
and expensive especially if a critical habitat or ecologically sensitive
area has been affected. Past removal practices have had extreme
deleterious effects on the ecosystem both immediate and long-term to such
extent as to question whether removing oil from these sensitive systems
are environmentally wise in the first place. This presentation will
attempt to show that a carefully supervised cleanup followed by a
scientifically driven monitoring program can be effective in removing oil
from a sensitive wetland habitat using the Green Pond Oil Spill Removal
project as the prime example.
This project involved a small flood plain wetland located on the south
bank of the Pequannock River in Morris County, New Jersey which was
contaminated by oil seeping out of the ground. The source of the oil was
from a pipeline that transported oil from the oil fields in western New
York State to Bayonne at the turn of the century. The pipeline was
abandoned in the 1920's and removed, leaving behind subsurface deposits of
spilled oil that contaminated the adjacent wetland during periods of
elevated groundwater. Six to eight inches of the native soil horizon was
removed as part of the oil spill cleanup effort thereby denuding the
The Revegetation/Restoration commenced with the placement of hemp mat to
minimize erosion as all of the stream side vegetation was removed during
the cleanup operation followed by the emplacement of coir logs along the
stream edge. In the spring of 1999, plantings of potted native shrubs and
forbes were installed by a private landscape firm experienced in wetland
restoration. A deer fence was placed around the entire site to protect the
new plantings
A monitoring program for determining the success of the
revegetation/restoration effort with Spring and end-of-the-growing season
surveys conducted along established transects and throughout the overall
site. Species composition and productivity measurements were an integral
part of the parameters to measure the progress of the effort to determine
comparability between the remediated site and undisturbed wetlands. An
Invasive Species Management plan was an integral activity of the
Revegetation/ Restoration Project for the Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum
salicaria), an invasive plant from Northern Europe. Herbivorous beetles
(Galerucella calmariensis and Galerucella pusilla) were obtained from the
State of New Jersey Bio-Control Laboratory and released at the site. The
success of this control strategy was monitored using a protocol developed
by Dr. Brend Blossey at Cornell University.
The presentation will incorporate all that has been learned from the
removal activity in terms of How Clean is Clean as applied to an oil
contaminated fresh water wetland. This information should be useful for
decision makers, responders, and consultants alike when faced with
remediating disturbed or contaminated habitats.
Background: In December 2001, EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
Response (OSWER) launched the Revitalization Initiative. As with the EPA's
Brownfields' pilot projects, OSWER recognized that reuse and redevelopment
considerations should be incorporated in all of OSWER's cleanup programs.
The Land Revitalization Office was formed to ensure coordination occurs
across all OSWER offices to achieve the Agency's land use goals. The group
serves as an advocate for reuse and revitalization of formerly
contaminated land. They provide coordination on programmatic, policy, and
regional implementation issues across all OSWER waste programs. The Land
Revitalization Office develops methods to advocate, improve, and
streamline OSWER reuse programs, tests new ways of conducting business,
and assesses program trends to better determine further directions to
enhance waste programs cleanup and reuse. This training is sponsored by
EPA's Land Revitalization Office.
* Royal J. Nadeau, The Eco-Strategies Group
(royal at theeco-strategiesgroup.com)
* Michael F. Solecki, Response and Prevention Branch Region II
(solecki.michael at epa.gov)
* Scott Fredericks, U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team
(fredericks.scott at epa.gov)
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