[RWG] Fw: Register Now - Training on Ecological Enhancements at Contaminated Sites
Greg_Eckert at nps.gov
Greg_Eckert at nps.gov
Tue May 24 09:42:46 CDT 2005
Please see and pass on this information on one of EPA's trainings
Gregory E. Eckert, PhD National Park Service
voice 970/225-3594 fax 970/225-3585 greg_eckert at nps.gov
----- Forwarded by Greg Eckert/FTCOLLINS/NPS on 05/23/2005 09:59 AM -----
Fredericks.Scott at epam
ail.epa.gov To: Allen.Catherine at epamail.epa.gov,
daniel.w.cooke at lmco.com, Marcia.Dohne at WestonSolutions.com,
05/17/2005 10:09 AM Greg_Eckert at nps.gov, christopher.d.gussman at lmco.com,
AST Steven Handel <handel at AESOP.RUTGERS.EDU>,
Kelly.Jack at epamail.epa.gov, StephenLuftig at aol.com,
Chris.Miller at nj.usda.gov, "Royal J. Nadeau"
<royal at theeco-strategiesgroup.com>, olivia_kwong at blm.gov,
peggy_olwell at blm.gov
Subject: Fw: Register Now - Training on Ecological
Enhancements at Contaminated Sites
Scott Fredericks (5202-G)
Environmental Response Team
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
P: (703) 603-8771
F: (703) 603-9133
C: (703) 989-2801
----- Forwarded by Scott Fredericks/DC/USEPA/US on 05/17/2005 10:07 AM
S To
05/17/2005 10:02 cc
Fw: Register Now - Training on
Ecological Enhancements at
Contaminated Sites
----- Forwarded by Bruce Pluta/R3/USEPA/US on 05/17/2005 09:54 AM -----
/US To
R3 HSCD-EPA, Deborah
05/12/2005 05:41 Goldblum/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, David
PM Iacono/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
mtmellott at state.pa.us,
prenwick at state.pa.us,
pamcmurray at deq.virginia.gov,
agoddard at mde.state.md.us,
jcarroll at mde.state.md.us,
Kathleen.Stiller at state.de.us, Abe
Ferdas/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Aoconnell at mde.state.md.us, Ben
Mykijewycz/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Christina.wirtz at state.de.us,
Colewiler at state.pa.us,
james.sweeney at dc.gov, Jim
Mccreary/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
kellison at mail.dep.state.wv.us,
klgreene at deq.state.va.us,
Kjsismour at deq.state.va.us,
Paul.Will at state.de.us,
rjweld at deq.virginia.gov,
Tfidler at state.pa.us, Tom
Stolle/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
patricia.young at dc.gov,
dubosem at dchealth.com, Gregg
Crystall/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Martin
Powell/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
MDORSEY at mail.dep.state.wv.us,
Dennis Carney/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Hank Sokolowski/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Peter Schaul/R3/USEPA/US, Kathy
Hodgkiss/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
htablada at mde.state.md.us,
dwmartin at wvdep.org, Paul
Leonard/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Hamid.Karimi at dc.gov, Jeff
Barnett/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Tom
Stolle/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Andrew
Kreider/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Felicia
Fred/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Kristeen
Gaffney/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Robert
Lausch/R3/USEPA/US at EPA, Humberto
Monsalvo/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Carolann Davis/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Barbara Stratton/R3/USEPA/US,
Janice Bartel/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Joseph Nowak/R3/USEPA/US at EPA,
Sara Rasmussen/DC/USEPA/US at EPA
Register Now - Training on
Ecological Enhancements at
Contaminated Sites
EPA Region 3 is hosting a FREE training opportunity on
Integrating Ecological Mitigation Measures and Enhancements into
Remedial Activities at Contaminated Sites
June 7 and 8, Shenandoah Room, EPA Region 3 office in Philadelphia
Greenspace is an essential component of a community's qualify of life
and can revitalize an area as much as the construction of housing or
commercial centers. Wildlife habitat is an economic reuse opportunity
that should be encouraged in all of our cleanup actions wherever or
whenever it make sense. This course will provide an introduction and
technical overview to ecological restoration and engineering approaches
for project managers and technical specialists. Please see the attached
agenda for more specifics on the course.
(See attached file: Agenda Ecological Enhancement Workshop.doc)
Staff and managers from all EPA and State cleanup programs (Brownfields,
RCRA, Superfund/Hazardous sites, LUST, Federal Facilities and Voluntary
Cleanup Programs) are invited to attend.
Please note that registration is required and space is limited! To
register for this course, please send a e-mail to Bruce Pluta at
pluta.bruce at epa.gov or call Bruce at (215) 814-2380.
Kristeen Gaffney
Land Revitalization Coordinator
U.S. EPA, Region 3
1650 Arch Street (3HS34)
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Ph: (215) 814-2092
Fax: (215) 814-3001(See attached file: Agenda Ecological Enhancement
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