[RWG] JOURNAL: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research

Plant Conservation plant at plantconservation.org
Tue Sep 2 11:23:58 CDT 2003

I can't seem to reach the website at this moment, but this might be of
interest to some of you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 16:26:05 +0200
From: "[iso-8859-2] Horváth Levente" <hlev at omega.kee.hu>
To: plant at plantconservation.org
Subject: AEER

Dear Sirs,

The first volume of our new journal (Applied Ecology and Environmental
Research) is now available on our website at


The new international scientific journal publishes original research
papers and short scientific publications. Researchers from all
countries are invited to publish applied ecological, environmental or
multidisciplinary agricultural research of international interest on
its pages. The journal is published in yearly volumes of two issues.
The journal will have printed copies, but articles and their appendices
will be available on our website for free download in the same format
(as *.pdf files)

Journal Title: Applied Ecology and Environmental Research

Abrev. of title: AEER

ISSN 1589-1623 (Print)
ISSN 1785-0037 (Online)

Please take it to your database and journal list.

Thank you for advance

Yours Sincerely,
Levente Hufnagel, PhD

e-mail: aeer at ecology.kee.hu or (hufnagel at kee.hu)
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Horticultural Sciences,
Szent István University
H-1118 Budapest, Villányi út 29-33, Hungary
phone: +36-1-372-6261; fax: +36-1-466-9273

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