[PCA] NEW: Forest Service Rare Plant Partnerships with BGCI-US

Abby Meyer abby.meyer at bgci.org
Fri Mar 17 13:49:31 CDT 2023

Greetings, we are thrilled about the new plant conservation funding opportunity described below. Please share with others that might be interested in applying.
I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you!


Abby Meyer (she/her)  |  308.293.1782  |  abby.meyer at bgci.org
Executive Director, Botanic Gardens Conservation International U.S<https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=bgci.org&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmdjaS5vcmcvb3VyLXdvcmsvd2hlcmUtd2Utd29yay9ub3J0aC1hbWVyaWNhL2JnY2ktdXMv&i=NTk0MmY0MjIyOGU2MWMwZjM2MGY4MTg3&t=WmhzbHNZaGFrQmJmS3VGNld1cjJ5L1Z5aWJ6cUd4Z2g4ZHRBQ2ZRcEdmUT0=&h=5af295a5c4764fd38b17dd0d75c02094>. (BGCI-US<https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=bgci.org&u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5iZ2NpLm9yZy8=&i=NTk0MmY0MjIyOGU2MWMwZjM2MGY4MTg3&t=WDhpaVpDRGNaYnh0c2dpZ0J5NWZXc3hqNXh3b0hWajdCd21GYUNPZzN2TT0=&h=5af295a5c4764fd38b17dd0d75c02094>)
at The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens  |  Los Angeles, CA
New opportunity to fund projects to support conservation action by botanic gardens for rare plant species

BGCI is pleased to announce that thanks to a collaboration between BGCI-US and USDA Forest Service, botanic gardens can apply for Forest Service Rare Plant Partnerships<https://www.bgci.org/our-work/sharing-knowledge-and-resources/global-botanic-garden-fund/u-s-forest-service-partnerships-for-rare-plant-conservation/> which support conservation action by botanic gardens for rare plant species that occur on Forest Service land in the U.S. and U.S. territories.
In general, partnerships should be structured as one year projects with budgets between USD $5,000 and USD $10,000.
Applications must satisfy the following conditions:

  *   Work is completed by personnel at a botanic garden, or similar organisation.
  *   Activities are focused on one or more rare plant species that occur on Forest Service land.
  *   Projects on Forest Service land must be coordinated with local Forest Service personnel (the degree of involvement of Forest Service personnel may vary).
  *   The main focus is on appropriate conservation action for the target species. Activities may include seed or other germplasm banking, out-plantings, molecular genetic studies, or any non-research activity falling within the Integrated Plant Conservation model.
  *   BGCI membership is not required, however BGCI member organisations will be given priority.
Call for applications will remain open until 14 April 2023.
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