[PCA] Fragmented Prairies: Reconnecting Habitats through Collaborative Partnerships

Moira McGinty Klos mmcgintyklos at naturalareas.org
Thu Jun 2 10:33:37 CDT 2022

How did MN increase the protection and management of more prairie
throughout the state? Learn about a successful model that can be adapted
and emulated for leveraging partnerships to increase prairie protection. Join
us for this 2.5-day in-person workshop!

The *Minnesota Prairie Conservation Plan
<https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/eco/mcbs/mn_prairie_conservation_plan.pdf>* is
a model for public-private collaboration in conservation that can be
adapted and emulated. Hosted in partnership with the *Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources (MN DNR) <https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/>*, this
workshop is designed specifically for on-the-ground practitioners and
statewide coordinators from across the Midwest (8+ states).

This event is small by design and capacity is limited. *If you are
interested but need time to get approval, contact Moira McGinty Klos,
mmcgintyklos at naturalareas.org <mmcgintyklos at naturalareas.org> to
temporarily hold your space!*

<https://www.naturalareas.org/stewardship_in_action_field_wo.php>   *
                                           * REGISTER

[image: MN Prairie Banner ....png]

*Fragmented Prairies and Grasslands*: *Reconnecting Habitats through
Collaborative Partnerships* explores various grassland conservation and
management strategies along with the partnerships required to make them
successful. Engage with a large network of Prairie Practitioners on a field
tour that explores and discusses a wide variety of native prairie and other
grassland protection and management projects. Witness the conversations
taking place on non-native, cool season grass control, prescribed
disturbance, woody and invasive control, ecological monitoring, and much

Visit with on-the-ground field managers on active projects working to solve
everyday grassland management questions. Many great MN prairie treasures
will be visited including Morton Outcrops Scientific and Natural Area
<https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snas/detail.html?id=sna02051>, Chippewa
Prairie Preserve
, Lac Qui Parle Wildlife Management Area
<https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/areas/wildlife/lac_qui_parle_wma.html>, Hastad
and Randall Waterfowl Production Areas, Lake Johanna Esker Preserve
, Ordway Prairie Preserve
several native prairie bank conservation easements.

[image: Natural Areas] <http://naturalareas.org/>

Moira McGinty Klos (She/Her)

*Programs & Communications Manager *

mmcgintyklos at naturalareas.org
703.328.7481 | P.O. Box 594, Ligonier, PA 15658

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