[PCA] Workshop Series: Tribal Forest Partnership and Shared Stewardship Workshop; 9 am PST

Park, Margaret E margaret_park at fws.gov
Thu Feb 18 10:21:29 CST 2021

Webinar date/time: 4 sessions; 9 am **PST​​**

  *   Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
  *   Thursday Mar 25, 2021
  *   Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
  *   Thursday Apr 1, 2021
What will you learn?
These workshops are designed to develop, refine, and implement a shared stewardship project proposals on national forests and adjacent tribal lands and resources using USDA FS 638 project-level authority. This workshop intends to discuss new opportunities for shared stewardship under the Tribal Forest Protection Act<https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r5/workingtogether/tribalrelations?cid=stelprdb5351850>, including discussions of applicable 2018 Farm Bill<https://www.usda.gov/farmbill> provisions, by:

I. Identifying opportunities to implement 638 focused Shared Stewardship Projects.
II. Creating understanding of USDA FS 638 authority
III. Initiating and supporting planning for 638 projects between USDA FS and Tribes

Tribal leaders, program directors, agency line officers, and key staff are invited to join us for this important virtual workshop. Due to challenges posed by COVID-19, the workshop will be held in four (4) virtual sessions.

Register here <https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocuytrzgsEtaBeOVNEeuAnGopt-N51Lnz>

Webinar presented by The Intertribal Council and USDA Forest Service
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