[PCA] Traditional Section 6 RFP - pollination biology

Anna Strong Anna.Strong at tpwd.texas.gov
Wed Dec 1 13:03:58 CST 2021

We are pleased to announce the FY22 funding opportunity for Traditional Section 6 Request for Proposals. These grants are administered through Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD); applications must be submitted to TPWD in order to enter proposals.  For details regarding applying to TPWD for this grant please visit our website<https://tpwd.texas.gov/business/grants/wildlife/section-6/>.  We request that proposal materials be submitted to us no later than COB January 4, 2022 in order to give us sufficient time to process and resolve any outstanding concerns prior to formal submission to USFWS.

The plant/pollinator topics are:
Investigate the reproductive biology of the federally listed Texas prairie dawn (Hymenoxys texana). The project should include but is not limited to the following: determine the phenology (at the population level) and breeding system and document effective pollinators and seed dispersal mechanisms. In addition, from the results of the project and any other existing data on the species, an evidence-based rationale should be given for how that species' populations can be delineated. Federal funding limit: $120,000.

Investigate the reproductive biology of the federally listed Tamaulipan kidneypetal (Ayenia limitaris). The project should include but is not limited to the following: determine the breeding system, document effective pollinators, estimate effective pollinator forage range and determine the viable seed production in wild populations. In addition, from the results of the project and any other existing data on the species, an evidence-based rationale should be given for how that species' populations can be delineated. Federal funding limit: $120,00.

Consult with staff at TPWD prior to submission of your proposal package to ensure your project targets priority needs. Contact me for questions about the above plant/pollinator projects at anna.strong at tpwd.texas.gov<mailto:anna.strong at tpwd.texas.gov>. Please review the RFP Specifications listed here<https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/wildlife_diversity/nongame/grants-research/s6-rfp-guide.phtml#specs> before contacting. Other more general questions about Texas Traditional Section 6 projects or animal-related projects should be directed to Chelsea Acres (chelsea.acres at tpwd.texas.gov<mailto:chelsea.acres at tpwd.texas.gov>) or visit this<https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/wildlife_diversity/nongame> website (scroll to bottom) to find biologist contact info.

Anna W. Strong | Rare Species Botanist | Nongame and Rare Species Program<https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/wildlife_diversity/nongame/> | Texas Parks and Wildlife Department | W 512-389-4767 | 4200 Smith School Rd., Austin, TX 78744

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