[PCA] FW: NPCC News: Botany bill July 18 Congressional hearing - video and written testimony available online

Emily Roberson emilyr at plantsocieties.org
Mon Jul 22 17:30:30 CDT 2019

Native Plant Conservation Campaign News: Video of July 18 House hearing on Botany bill is online with written testimony from the Trump administration, supporters and opponents of the bill.

July 22, 2019


A hearing took place in the House of Representatives on Thursday July 18 on the “Botany Bill” (full name: The Botanical Sciences and Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration, and Promotion Act). The bill is H.R. 1572.


If you were unable to watch the hearing in the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Land, you can now watch the recording <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017IXjbL7bOWYJFdIzWSDT6CY2h5mZtslM1CHcskL0_AJrgI2s-KY0xDnPX_GfVg-d96hUS08kdZWT-NL-r0pxtMg6Zy7X7_bjlxkeu3Cme9A7H1hRSqw7ByyulF_uOeA97sU-3-zAIgjNrNJYF9-v0eS-02DkNcgJQhamRqJ78n0pF1cgZksOjCPMhGosPM5hk0bjxZipzNA=&c=me7_A-Nn_B6m0DYsfp6dpQGgEIIOQB0sDLivmlBqUgjBMYf0Y4W46A==&ch=_RCu2TuEChqrdwC3tV9IFWJf6qKj_kZElROU8dOD5xQxNWwO8OxmjQ==>  and read the written testimony <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017IXjbL7bOWYJFdIzWSDT6CY2h5mZtslM1CHcskL0_AJrgI2s-KY0xOuAEpuMgsQ2LGcO4D4D-AUawPCUUUmdwyAcWlo_KAvz-a618O-Be2IxVcw1vCrY4Ya6ddzW_3OrIAglfhTvbFWib7bmc7GagEwhTLcpKF2SokiQVCeC_laAr9HI5Tte1zrG0GCv7dwKa0t2rT6aoLniOwDJ1Ftp3g==&c=me7_A-Nn_B6m0DYsfp6dpQGgEIIOQB0sDLivmlBqUgjBMYf0Y4W46A==&ch=_RCu2TuEChqrdwC3tV9IFWJf6qKj_kZElROU8dOD5xQxNWwO8OxmjQ==>  online.


to the ​1,980 individuals, representing all 50 states, the District and Puerto Rico who signed the Letter of Support!
Read the letter! <https://botanybill.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/7/8/117815318/h.r._1572_letter_of_support_individuals_signatures.pdf> 
See the geographic distribution of signatories!​ <https://botanybill.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/7/8/117815318/h.r._1572_letter_of_support_individuals_summarybystate.pdf> 


If you missed the deadline to provide your signature on the letter of support, you can still add it! We will continue collecting signatures for use in future advocacy for the Bill.

SIGN HERE! <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0017IXjbL7bOWYJFdIzWSDT6CY2h5mZtslM1CHcskL0_AJrgI2s-KY0xDnPX_GfVg-dvPy1EMxuzvOzWGzJRJlHEbxcotPJ9hYn-9fIBrooouJTfGqWWwcZ_bH0Hj6ixqXxH2XUIxghnq665KOyYX_IjFpJfF0YXDC77sWFAM-FP5DS5EeUUjaParNqSeeouswtAs4lgRC7SepO62KtH1K_F73Prm7YImWclLSDTHRvldU5Y2RUAnN0-g1RW2d0xLzD&c=me7_A-Nn_B6m0DYsfp6dpQGgEIIOQB0sDLivmlBqUgjBMYf0Y4W46A==&ch=_RCu2TuEChqrdwC3tV9IFWJf6qKj_kZElROU8dOD5xQxNWwO8OxmjQ==> 


H.R. 1572  supports:

*	Native plant conservation, restoration and ecology research
*	Preferential use of locally adapted and appropriate native plant species for restoration on federal lands
*	Development of reliable sources of locally adapted native plant materials for federal habitat restoration projects
*	training of botanists
*	the placement of botanists in land management agencies, plant conservation programs, and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grants for plant-related projects. 


The text of the bill and a more detailed summary are available at the Botany Bill website <https://botanybill.weebly.com/> 


The Botany Bill needs your help!


The bill currently has 47 co-sponsors <https://botanybill.weebly.com/cosponsors.html>  in the House.

If your representative is not a co-sponsor please urge them to cosign the bill! <https://botanybill.weebly.com/get-involved.html> 


We need to get as many members of the House and Senate as possible to cosponsor this bill. You can help by emailing or calling your representative (click below for contact information) although an in-person visit to their local or DC office works even better.


Find e-mail Addresses and Telephone Numbers for Your Elected Representatives. 

Member of <https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative>  House of Representatives

Senators <https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact> 

or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121


There are many resources to help you navigate this process on the Botany Bill website <https://botanybill.weebly.com/> 


We need to grow the network of individuals who know about and will push for this legislation. Please take a minute to forward this email to like-minded friends, colleagues and professional acquaintances and visit the Botany Bill website <https://botanybill.weebly.com/>  for more information & helpful resources!!


We will provide additional updates as we have them!


Many thanks for your interest and support!!



Emily. Roberson, Ph.D.

Native Plant Conservation Campaign <http://plantsocieties.cnps.org/> 

415 531 4439

emilyr@ <mailto:emilyr at plantsocieties.org> plantsocieties.org <mailto:emilyr at plantsocieties.org> 

The mission of the Native Plant Conservation Campaign is to promote the conservation of native plants and their habitats through collaboration, research, education, and advocacy.

Sign up for NPCC News <http://signup.ymlpmail2.net/xghwwhjjgmgb> !        <https://www.facebook.com/plantsocieties> Like us on Facebook!         Donate <http://plantsocieties.cnps.org/index.php/action-main/donate-to-campaign> !

Please forward this message to any interested individuals or organizations. 


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