[PCA] NEWS: Extinction threatens 87% of Hawaii's Native Plants

Robert Layton Beyfuss rlb14 at cornell.edu
Wed Sep 7 07:31:25 CDT 2016

Hmmm, I wonder what model they used for this latest "assessment"? I also wonder what excuse they will use if their predictions are as incorrect as the ones that were noted here recently?  "Functionally extinct" or "partially dead" ?

On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Haidet, Margaret (Megan) <mahaidet at blm.gov<mailto:mahaidet at blm.gov>> wrote:

The IUCN World Conservation Congress is shining light on the native plant crisis in Hawaii.

The recent Red List assessment news on Hawaii's native plants is summarized here: http://www.iucnredlist.org/current-news

An article from the Honolulu Civil Beat also explores the issue here: http://www.civilbeat.org/2016/09/iucn-extinction-threatens-87-percent-of-hawaiis-native-plants/

"The newly added plant species from Hawaii show the importance of continuing to produce conservation assessments in order for us to better prioritise species in need of conservation action," says Malin Rivers, BGCI.  "This work has highlighted some species at extremely high risk of extinction and the main threats to the iconic Hawaiian flora, which gives the conservation community an opportunity to take conservation action, both in situ and ex situ, to save these unique plants."

Megan Haidet
Seeds of Success
National Collection Curator

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