[PCA] WEB: PA Community Forestry Webinar - February 7, Noon-1pm

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Mon Jan 30 07:38:35 CST 2012

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Pennsylvania Community Forestry Lunchtime Webinar
Tuesday, February 7, 2012  - 12:00pm

TreeVitalize: Helping Communities Increase Tree Canopy Cover
Christine Ticehurst, TreeVitalize Program Administrator, DCNR Bureau of

In recent years, studies have shown that built communities across
Pennsylvania have lost tree canopy cover.  Community losses are not just
in numbers of trees.  It translates into reductions in benefits such as
improved air and water quality, energy conservation, economic vitality,
and quality of life.  Learn how the TreeVitalize program works to reverse
those losses and helps revitalize communities across the Commonwealth by
planting 1 Million trees.  This tree planting initiative has expanded from
its first reach in the Philadelphia Region in 2004 to currently 14
metropolitan regions across the Commonwealth.  Find out more about the
grants program that provides financial assistance to municipalities and
the Tree Tender program that has trained thousands of volunteers to plant
and care for their community trees.

This first Pennsylvania Community Forestry Lunchtime Webinar is part of a
growing series to expand training and outreach opportunities on urban and
community forestry topics.

This webinar was developed through a partnership of Penn State Extension,
DCNR Bureau of Forestry, and Pennsylvania Community Forests.

Topic:  TreeVitalize: Helping Communities Increase Tree Canopy Cover.
Presented by Christine Ticehurst, TreeVitalize Program Administrator, DCNR
Bureau of Forestry.

Date: February 7, 2012
Time: Noon to 1 pm EST
Webinar URL: https://meeting.psu.edu/pacommunityforestry  (click on
this link or copy and paste it into your browser window).  Login in by
registering as a guest (type your name).

* The site is active and you can test the link now.  Join as a
guest using your first and last name.  There is no login or password for
* You will need speakers or a headset to hear the webinar audio,
but you will not need a microphone.
* It is HIGHLY recommended that you join the meeting early so that
we can troubleshoot any audio or video technical difficulties. A host will
be available at the meeting site at 11 am that morning to assist you.
· You may be prompted to download an Adobe Connect add-on when you
first enter the meeting room.  You may choose to do this or not; you
should be able to participate in the webinar either way.

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