[PCA] PUBLICATION: The Flora of Virginia (fwd)

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Fri Dec 28 10:04:48 CST 2012

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The first Flora of Virginia since the *Flora Virginica* in the mid-1700s
and with the most up-to-date taxonomic data.    http://www.vnps.org/ or


Time to Celebrate! The Flora of Virginia, a book cataloging Virginia’s 
native plants, has now been published and is already in the hands of those 
who pre-ordered. This historic accomplishment is the product of 12 years 
of work between collaborating partners, with members of the Virginia 
Native Plant Society providing funding, leadership, and expertise. The 
Flora describes 3,164 taxa in 200 families, with 1,400 captioned, scaled, 
and botanically accurate drawings.

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