[PCA] Utah rare plant conference March 4, 2008

Addsum-Tony Frates afrates at addsuminc.com
Thu Jan 3 19:43:02 CST 2008

January 3, 2008

Red Butte Garden and the Utah Native Plant Society (UNPS) are pleased 
to announce that the 7th annual co-sponsored rare plant task force 
meeting will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah on Tuesday, March 4, 
2008, from 9am to 5pm.   The meeting location will will be on/near 
the University of Utah campus.

A CPC partner institution, Red Butte Garden is a regional botanical 
center which is a part of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, 

The Utah Native Plant Society is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 
1978 and its mission includes the preservation and conservation of 
native plant species in the Intermountain West.  It also coordinates 
and hosts the Utah Rare Plant Guide at http://www.utahrareplants.org

There is a nominal registration fee of $15 which includes the cost of 

lunch.   For more information, please send an e-mail to:

unps at unps.org

RSVP deadline is Friday, February 22, 2008.

Some time slots for 10 to 20 minute presentations are also available; 
contact us by February 4 if you might be interested in making a 

Tony Frates and Bill King
Conservation co-chairs
Utah Native Plant Society
Salt Lake City, Utah
Frates office phone:  801-277-9240

Rita Dodge
Conservation Botanist
Red Butte Garden
285 S. Connor St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Tony Frates
Addsum Business Software, Inc.
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