[PCA] WEB: Transition to Green

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Thu Dec 4 18:41:47 CST 2008

Natural Resources Defense Council

Leading the way to a healthy environment, a green economy and a
sustainable future



This report highlights priority environmental recommendations for the
Obama administration transition team endorsed by a coalition of national
environmental and conservation organizations listed below1. Many
organizations assisted in the creation of this report and we recognize
their contributions. The report describes how the administration can
resume Federal leadership on critical energy and environmental challenges
affecting our economy, health and well-being in order to put our nation on
a sustainable path now and for future generations.

Over the past several months, a coalition of national environmental and
conservation organizations has completed an internal process to develop a
set of suggestions for the new administration. Sub-committees including
representatives from throughout the environmental community have
considered the full breadth of environmental issues we expect will be
considered by the administration and developed the detailed
recommendations included in this report. It contains key consensus
recommendations and is meant to compliment, and not replace, other
environmental transition reports developed by individual organizations
with recommendations of their own.

Each set of agency recommendations highlights three major issues for the
agency, followed by key administrative, legislative and budgetary policy
actions and critical actions to take in the first 100 days. We urge the
agency transition teams to use this document in the first crucial days of
the Obama administration and look forward to working with the
administration to develop policies that will both revitalize our economy
and protect the planet.

Full report at: http://docs.nrdc.org/legislation/files/leg_08112401a.pdf

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