[PCA] Economic Competitiveness of Natives

mangodance bmn at iglou.com
Thu Jan 4 20:32:34 CST 2007

Steve Erickson wrote:

> I don;'t know of any formal evaluation, but my experience is
> that that using native species in the context of performing
> ecological restoration is always more expensive. Of course,
> using exotics for restoration is an oxymoron. If your talking
> about the relative cost on a per plant basis (for both seeds
> and plants), natives are more expensive.
> -Steve

Are you including the costs of replantings (especially with regards to 
permits contingent upon resto success), control of non-natives actually 
planted, etc?

I am of like mind if we're limiting expense to the upfron costs of 
planting (in most cases).  However, I think the blanket statement that 
using natives is more expensive is a limited argument and cost is highly 
dependent upon circumstance, desired outcome, and plant sourcing, not to 
mention who actually does the planting and how they do it.

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