[PCA] COURSE: Dendroecology at the University of Arizona (Tucson)

Olivia Kwong plant at plantconservation.org
Fri Feb 24 13:42:48 CST 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:54:19 -0700
From: Don Falk <dafalk at u.arizona.edu>
Subject: Dendroecology at the University of Arizona


Summer course announcement: Dendroecology Workshop

Come to Tucson this May to study dendroecology at the University of
Arizona's renowned Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. The LTRR is
offering a short course in this important and growing field May 15 -
June 2, 2006.

Dendroecology is the study of ecology through the use of the
tree-ring record. This record is retained over time due to the
remarkable preservation qualities of wood, and across the wide
geographical distribution of trees. Through the science of
dendrochronology, a broad range of ecological variables can be
reconstructed and analyzed, including temporal and spatial variation
in climate, disturbance, competition, insect outbreaks, and other
phenomena. The result is a remarkably long and detailed record of
ecological variability.

This three-week intensive course will introduce students to basic
theory and techniques in dendrochronology and dendroecology.
Lectures, laboratory training, and a multi-day field trip with sample
and data collection are integral to the course and learning strategy.
The course will be based at the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (
http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/) on the campus of the University of
Arizona in Tucson ( http://www.arizona.edu/). Lectures will be
presented by course instructors and other leading scientists in the
field. Readings will be drawn primarily from the published
literature. The class is designed for graduate or advanced
undergraduate students or with an interest in the field, as well as
faculty and postdoctoral researchers. Working professionals in forest
ecology and management are also welcome.

Dendroecology will be convened simultaneously with courses in
dendroclimatology and dendroarchaeology; some joint lectures are
scheduled. See the LTRR Summer School website (
http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/summerschool/index.html) for details on
other offerings.

Registration and logistics. Dendroecology can be taken for
undergraduate or graduate credit by registering with the University
of Arizona for GEOS (Geosciences) 497k/597k beginning March 8 at (
http://summer-winter.arizona.edu). Registration will be limited to 20
students. Tuition will be payable to the University of Arizona upon
acceptance into the course by the instructors and submission of
application materials. On-campus housing is available near the LTRR
and must be arranged separately. The course fee includes meals and
accommodations during the field trip only. International students and
others requiring special arrangements to participate should contact
one of the instructors as soon as possible.

Course dates. Monday, May 15 through Friday June 2, 2006.
For more information: Please contact one of the instructors to
discuss your participation:
          Donald A. Falk, phone 520-626-7201, dafalk at u.arizona.edu
          Thomas W. Swetnam, phone 520-621-2112, tswetnam at ltrr.arizona.edu
          Mail or fax: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, 105 West
Stadium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA. Fax 520-621-8229.

We look forward to seeing you!

20 February 2006

: )))))))))).)))))))))).)))))))))).)))))))))).)))))))))):.)))))

Don Falk
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
105 West Stadium
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Ofc: 520-626-7201
Lab: 621-6463
Fax: 621-8229
dafalk at u.arizona.edu

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