[PCA] WEB: Internet Seminar on Jump-Starting Ecological Restoration (Sept. 8)

Olivia_Kwong at blm.gov Olivia_Kwong at blm.gov
Wed Sep 7 10:13:13 CDT 2005

Sorry for the late notice, but it looks like you can still sign up for this
internet seminar.

Olivia Kwong
(202) 452-0392
(202) 452-7702 fax
----- Forwarded by Olivia Kwong/WO/BLM/DOI on 09/07/2005 11:12 AM -----
                      "Ravi, Sunitha"                                                                                                  
                      <Sunitha.Ravi at tte        To:       "Mary Cooke" <cooke.maryt at epa.gov>, "Julie Santiago"                          
                      mi.com>                   <santiago-ocasio.carmen at epa.gov>, "Mario Robles" <robles.mario at epa.gov>,               
                                                <olivia_kwong at blm.gov>, "Ellen Rubin" <Rubin.Ellen at epa.gov>,                           
                      09/01/2005 02:46          <fredericks.scott at epa.gov>, "Steven N. Handel" <handel at AESOP.Rutgers.edu>, "Harry      
                      PM                        Compton" <compton.harry at epa.gov>, <haroski.dale at epa.gov>,                              
                                                <Rasmussen.Sara at epamail.epa.gov>, <Allen.Catherine at epamail.epa.gov>, "Betsy Donovan"   
                                                <donovan.betsy at epa.gov>, "Gary Turner" <turner.gary at epa.gov>, "Howard Fribush"         
                                                <fribush.howard at epa.gov>, "Karen Mason-Smith" <mason-smith.karen at epa.gov>, "Matt       
                                                Charsky" <charsky.matthew at epa.gov>, "Patricia Bowlin" <bowlin.patricia at epa.gov>, "Rob  
                                                Stites" <stites.rob at epa.gov>, "Robert Pope" <pope.robert at epa.gov>                      
                                               Subject:  Internet Seminar on Jump-Starting Ecological Restoration                      

Hi All:

Could you please pass the following message to as many people as you can.
I appreciate all your help on this.


EPA's Office of Land Revitalization is pleased to offer an Internet Seminar
on Jump-Starting Ecological Restoration.  The Internet Seminar is being
offered on Thursday, September 8, 2005 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern
standard time.  To register for the Internet Seminar, please go to
http://clu-in.org/studio/seminar.cfm and register for the Jump-Starting
Ecological Restoration Internet Seminar.  The attached PDF file provides a
description of the Internet Seminar.

Please call me at (703) 390-0602 if you have any questions.

Thanks and have a nice day!!!!

Sunitha Ravi, PMP
Tetra Tech EM Inc.
1881 Campus Commons Drive, Suite 200
Reston, VA 20191
Phone: (703) 390-0602
Fax: (703) 391-5876
<<Internet Seminar.pdf>> (See attached file: Internet Seminar.pdf)
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