[PCA] Plant-Insect Symposium - June 26th (fwd)

Plant Conservation plant at plantconservation.org
Tue Jun 8 14:32:12 CDT 2004

JUNE  2004


Symposium  on Insect and Plant Relationships Launches 'BIG BUGS'
Web-of-Life Celebration

Framingham, MA -- The New England Wild Flower Society announces a
symposium introduced by world famous biologist E.O. Wilson, entitled,
"Insects and the Changing New England Landscape" on Saturday, June 26th,
9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the National Heritage Museum in Lexington
Massachusetts.  The in-depth symposium launches the Society's BIG BUGS
and web-of-life celebration which will crescendo with the majestic BIG
BUGS sculpture exhibition by David Rogers at Garden in the Woods, July
17-October 17, 2004. The Society will distribute its magazine,
Conservation Notes:  Plant and Insect Interactions, sharing
collaborative viewpoints of entomologists, ecologists, horticulturists,
and botanists, as an excellent resource for attendees.

        How have insects, both native and introduced species, affected
New England during its recent history?  Will insects have a greater
impact on landscapes and ecosystems in the future?  Home gardeners,
landscape designers, educators, land managers, public officials, and
amateur naturalists, are invited to join entomologists, ecologists and
land historians for a daylong exploration.

        The Keynote Speaker is Scott Hoffman Black, author and Executive
Director of the Xerces Society.  Presenters include Cheryl Lowe,
Director of Horticulture of the New England Wild Flower Society, David
Orwig, Forest Ecologist at the Harvard University Forest, Bruce Wenning
of Massachusetts Audubon, Joseph Elkinton of University of
Massachusetts, and Lincoln Brower, the nation's leading expert on
Monarch migration.  Sessions will include lectures on native plants and
attracting insects, invertebrate conservation, forest insect outbreaks,
effects of introduced insects, and ecological lawn pest management.  A
great selection of native plants to attract wildlife will be on sale.

       Pre-registration is required at registrar at newfs.org or
508-877-7630 x 3303.  The fee of $72 for non-members ($60 for members)
includes lunch, snacks, and literature, and is co-sponsored by the
National Heritage Museum of Lexington. Visit www.newfs.org
<http://www.newfs.org/>  for information and membership information.

Stay in touch,


Debra Strick
Marketing and Public Relations Director
New England Wild Flower Society
180 Hemenway Road
Framingham, MA  01701
voice: (508) 877-7630 x 3501
fax:    (508) 877-3658
dstrick at newfs.org <mailto:dstrick at newfs.org>

BIG BUGS July 17th through October 17th
Think BIG - Think BUGS

 Images online at http://www.newfs.org/press/press.htm

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