<div dir="ltr">>>Pardon cross posting but this native plant is also medicinal: It's root is used as a vermifuge (de-wormer!).<<<br><br>Native Spotlight from Washington Gardener Magazine <div>(the publication for MD, DC, and VA area gardeners) <br>Wednesday, June 10, 2015<br><br>Guest Blog by Rachel Shaw <br><br>Spigelia marilandica, common name Indian Pink or Pink Root, is a handsome addition to the native plant garden. Mine are planted in shade next to White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra) and two years after planting are filling in nicely. They are blooming now, and having just read that the blooming season can be extended by removing spent flowers, I went out to do so and found that most dead blooms had obligingly dropped off without my help. I also learned recently from reading Rick Dark and Doug Tallamy’s The Living Landscape that Spigelia’s seeds are dehiscent, propelling the seed capsules some distance to start new seedlings. I haven’t seen this kind of spread yet, but I expect I will, as much of what I grow manages to get itself spread to other parts of the yard.<br><br>Spigelia is said to be very attractive to hummingbirds. Again something I haven’t observed yet in my own yard, but between it and the Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) growing nearby, I’m on the lookout. Even if it had no other obvious benefit than its beautiful and unusual flower, I would still be delighted to have added this native to my own small landscape.<br><br>See the blog: <a href="http://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2015/06/native-spotlight-indian-pink.html">http://washingtongardener.blogspot.com/2015/06/native-spotlight-indian-pink.html</a> <br><br>About the author:<br>Rachel Shaw focuses on vegetable gardening and growing native plants in her small yard in Rockville, Maryland. She blogs at <a href="http://hummingbirdway.blogspot.com/">http://hummingbirdway.blogspot.com/</a>.<br><br>More information about Washington Gardener magazine: <br><br>Kathy Jentz <br>Editor/Publisher <br>Washington Gardener Magazine <br>826 Philadelphia Ave. <br>Silver Spring MD 20910 <br>301-588-6894 <br><a href="mailto:WGardenermag@aol.com">WGardenermag@aol.com</a> <br><a href="http://www.WashingtonGardener.com">www.WashingtonGardener.com</a> <br><br>Follow us on: <br><a href="http://twitter.com/WDCGardener">http://twitter.com/WDCGardener</a> <br><a href="http://facebook.com/WashingtonGardenerMagazine">facebook.com/WashingtonGardenerMagazine</a>