Hello plant lovers, <br><br>I know plants are discussed on these lists however without clean air, water, healthy soil and their organisms our <br>environmental wellness will not be in balance for our plants ... thus us, soooooo here I go again and share the following: <br>
<br>Tonight - March 28th, at 11:30 p.m. EST - <u>during</u> the Colbert Report (a Comedy Central Station) a local Bio-Chemist <br>College Professor at SUCO Oneonta and a Hazmat Supervisor for our area Dr. Ron Bishop will be in a <br>
commercial that will start off a campaign revealing how natural gas drilling (hydro-fracking & horizontal drilling) is any<br>thing but natural let alone safe. <br><br>This effects all of us. <br><br>Not just us here in NYS, PA, OH, and the surrounding counties and states. <br>
<br>Why watch this for a commercial? <br>- it may not only be on the commercial, a producer / actor on the Colbert Report will be interviewed possibly <br> regarding his work in gas drilling and hydrofracking environment and health issues<br>
- the commercial is funded by local grass roots organizations and people I personally know has been tirelessly <br> working to educate on the detriments and dangers of hydrofracking.<br>- the commercial is truth, over having to wonder about reading between the lines from the industry commercials<br>
- Dr. Ron Bishop is credible and has been leading the way in our community on educating people as well as local <br> and state officials on the detriments of hydrofracking. <br><br>If anyone is not aware of this yet, please email me and I'll send you info to get you started. <br>
<br>Sincerely, and please pass this on <br><br>Marguerite <br><br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div><br><br>The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical
substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - Carl Jung<br><br><br>Part of 'holding space' for another is
not to try to choose form, rather it is to spend time considering its content
and allow form to present itself.<br><br><br><br>Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower <br>R.N., Herbalist, Reiki <br>Herbal Educational Services<br>226 Kelso Rd. / Sanders Lane <br>East Meredith, NY 13757<br>(607) 278-9635</div>