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<p>Hi everybody!</p>
<p>I wish to inform<span style="font-family: Verdana;"> you about the forthcoming meeting of the BSW, to be held at the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum on October 4th, when FDA Ethnobotanist Steven Casper will present a talk (free and open to public).</span> </p>
<div dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Below are the details of his talk:<br id="FontBreak" /><br />Date: <strong>Tuesday, October 4th 7:00 PM</strong><br /><br />Speaker: <strong>Dr. Steven Casper, ethnobotanist, FDA</strong><br /> <br /> Title: <strong>Traditional history of use versus modern supplement conditions of use</strong><br /> <br />Abstract: People throughout the world have traditionally used plants in ways that create a spectrum from food to medicine and everything in between. Through millennia, many of these uses have persevered and, often, in very prescribed ways. However, the current explosion of the dietary supplement market has created many novel combinations and uses that have no basis in traditional systems of health.</span></div>
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<div><span style="font-family: Verdana;"><strong>Meeting location:</strong> Cathy Kerby Room (Room CE-340), Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, 10th St. and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC. </span></div>
<div><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Use the Constitution Avenue entrance; wait to be escorted up. All are welcome. As usual, light refreshments will be served prior to and after the presentation.<br /><br />Let Larry Dorr know if you are attending the meeting by September 30 so that he can arrange for badges. DORRL@si.edu<br /></span></div>
<div dir="ltr"><span style="font-family: Verdana;"> <br /> Flyer for printing and/or posting: </span><a href="http://botsoc.org/oct11.doc"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">http://botsoc.org/oct11.doc</span></a><br /><br /><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Thanks and best wishes,</span><br /><span style="font-family: Verdana;"></span> <br /><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Emanuela</span> Appetiti<br /> </div>
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<p><a href="mailto:info@medicaltraditions.org">ceo@medicaltraditions.org</a></p>
<p>+1 202 633 0967</p>
<p>PO Box 7606<br />Washington, DC 20044-7606 <br />USA</p>
<p><a style="color: #ab0534;" href="http://medicaltraditions.org">www.medicaltraditions.org</a></p>