<br><font size=3 face="Arial">Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010 11:54:47
Subject: [fws-news] Tennessee Purple Coneflower Proposed for Delisting<br>
<b>Tennessee Purple Coneflower Proposed for Delisting </b><br>
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed removing the Tennessee
purple coneflower from the list of threatened and endangered species, <br>
marking the success of a decades-long cooperative conservation effort <br>
under the Endangered Species Act. The rule was published in today’s
Federal Register, and the public is invited to comment on the proposal
for <br>
the next 60 days until October 12, 2010.<br>
“More than 30 years of protecting and expanding Tennessee purple <br>
coneflower colonies finally brought success to the Service and its <br>
conservation partners,” said Cindy Dohner, the Service’s Southeast <br>
Regional Director. “Thanks to the efforts of many people, adequate
regulations exist to protect the plant’s populations, and these <br>
populations have stabilized to the point that the species has recovered
and no longer needs the protection of the Endangered Species Act.” <br>
In addition, successful recovery efforts increased the known number and
distribution of Tennessee purple coneflower populations range-wide, and
provided adequate protection and management to ensure the plant’s <br>
long-term survival and recovery. <br>
When first listed in 1979, the coneflower was found only in small <br>
populations in Davidson, Rutherford, and Wilson counties, each considered
a unique population. Tennessee purple coneflower was first collected
in <br>
1878, in Rutherford County, by one of Tennessee’s earliest botanists,
Dr. <br>
Augustin Gattinger, and was described in 1898. The species then went
unnoticed until it was rediscovered in the late 1960s in Davidson County
and in the early 1970s in Wilson County. Currently, this plant exists
in <br>
limestone barrens and cedar glades of the Central Basin in Davidson, <br>
Rutherford, and Wilson counties in Tennessee. <br>
In 1989, the Service published the revised recovery plan for Tennessee
purple coneflower which included a criterion for recovering the species
to <br>
the point that it could be considered for delisting. This criterion
requires that the species exist in five secure or protected populations,
consisting of at least three colonies each. There are now 19 secure
colonies distributed among six populations, five of which contain three
or <br>
more colonies. These 19 colonies account for approximately 83 percent
of <br>
the species’ distribution. <br>
This recovery success story is the result of conservation efforts by many
partners who worked more than 30 years to protect and expand the Tennessee
purple coneflower colonies. The Service’s partners include the Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation and Tennessee Division of <br>
Forestry, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National
Park Service and various private landowners. <br>
Many factors influenced the recovery, including discovering new colonies
through surveys of suitable habitat; researching the life history, <br>
genetics, and ecology of the species; and establishing new colonies from
seed or nursery propagated plants. <br>
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation was instrumental
in recovering the Tennessee purple coneflower by buying or securing sites
through other means to protect the species, as well as building fences
to <br>
protect colonies from outdoor recreational vehicle damage, removing <br>
competing vegetation, and using fire with prescribed burns at many sites
to provide habitat conditions that help this species thrive. <br>
Tennessee purple coneflower is a member of the sunflower family in the
genus Echinacea, which includes several purple coneflower species that
are <br>
commercially marketed for ornamental and medicinal purposes. The
Tennessee purple coneflower can be found commercially for landscaping <br>
purposes, but most often these plants are hybrids. <br>
If Tennessee purple coneflower is removed from the list of threatened and
endangered species, federal agencies will no longer need to consult with
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure any action they authorize,
fund, or carry out is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence
of <br>
this species. The Service will work with Tennessee Department of
Environment and Conservation to implement a post-delisting monitoring plan
for at least five years if the species is delisted. <br>
To ensure that the final decision resulting from this proposal should be
as accurate and effective as possible, the Service is soliciting comments
and information from the public, other governmental agencies, the <br>
scientific community, industry, and any other interested parties. <br>
The Service particularly seeks comments relating to the biological <br>
information about this species, relevant data pertaining to threats, <br>
especially relating to current or planned activities near Tennessee purple
coneflower habitat, and the draft post-delisting monitoring plan. <br>
The proposal and a draft post-delisting monitoring plan were published
in <br>
today’s Federal Register. Written comments regarding the proposed
rule <br>
and draft post-delisting monitoring plan must be received by October 12,
2010. All comments will be considered before a final determination
is <br>
made. Comments should be submitted by one of the following methods:<br>
· Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov.
Follow <br>
the instructions for submitting comments.<br>
· U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public Comments Processing,
Attn: <br>
Docket Number FWS–R4–ES–2010–0059, Division of Policy and Directives
Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite
222; Arlington, VA 22203. <br>
The proposed rule is on the Cookeville Ecological Services Field Office
website at http://www.fws.gov/cookeville/. Copies of the proposed
rule <br>
and draft post-delisting monitoring plan are also available by contacting
Geoff Call, Recovery Coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 446 Neal
Street, Cookeville, Tennessee 38501 (telephone 931/528-6481, extension
213; facsimile 931/528-7075). <br>
The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others
to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats
for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information,
visit http://www.fws.gov or http://www.fws.gov/southeast. <br>
News releases are also available on the World Wide Web at <br>
Questions concerning a particular news release or item of<br>
information should be directed to the person listed as the<br>
contact. General comments or observations concerning the<br>
content of the information should be directed to Malcomb Barsella </font>
<br><font size=3 face="Arial">(malcomb_barsella@fws.gov) in the Office
of External Affairs.<br>
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